Pentagon funds the UN’s global cloud internet network in Malaysia

According to Malaysia’s Finance Minister and the Pentagon. Why Malaysia? To promote crime, the country’s number one industry. In Malaysia, there are NO internet safeguards, regulations, laws, Bill of Rights, or protections against theft of personal information. Malaysia has been under a “Kidnapping Travel Alert” since October. The Biden Administration turned over internet control to the UN last year.

UN owns 6G via Global Digital Compact

According to the UN. Along with China, they will own the new 6G global satellite network that connects every digital device. Through treaties called the “Global Digital Compact.” When will they be signed? By September next year. The digital technology and infrastructure will use companies owned by the China Communist Party (CCP).

Feds pay $137 million for Pfizer’s COVID-19 trials with primates

Pfizer’s COVID-19 research uses primates instead of humans. Primates used in trials were immune to COVID-19. This information was never disclosed to people before they got experimental COVID-19 shots. Nor to the FDA. Sources are Pfizer and Texas Biomed, a Biolab in San Antonio, Texas. They are sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO), Congress, and Health & Human Services (DHH), a federal agency.

Konnech CEO Eugene Yu lives in China

It was verified today by his defense attorney, Alexis Wisely. She told the Judge that her client, Eugene Yu, couldn’t be contacted by phone or live internet video. Nor could she verify that Konnech’s servers could be returned to China in two weeks. Eugene Yu fled the country from LA on Nov. 9th after his wife redeemed a $500,000 cash bond.

Biden and Putin trade oil for votes

Parascript announced today it automated Moscow’s Postal Center. It masquerades as an election signature verification software company based in Denver. Instead, it is owned by Putin’s Russian Federation. Its purpose is to re-election Biden next year.

Konnech admits its election data is in Beijing

Konnech admitted Weds. that they send their clients’ election data from thousands of Election Boards to China. That admission now makes thousands of election officials personally liable for dereliction of duty, identity theft, breach of contract, and misrepresentation of election data.