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574 persons got away with $200 million selling 8000 children over 40 years


Evidence in federal court cases.

Admitted by judges, defense attorneys, and prosecutors.

Using phony non-profits to conceal the money trail and unnamed defendants.

Through Cleveland’s child trafficking hub in one of their suburbs called European Adoption Consultants (EAC).

It continues to operate.

Even though the State Department and the Ohio Attorney General said they closed it down.

The latest tip off is a change of heart of the trial judge in the Margaret Cole-Hughes, Debra Parris Edwards, Robin Herring Longoria cases in Cleveland Federal District Court.

Because media outlets have requested court access.

Federal Judge James Gwin canceled the Oct. 28th public hearing.

Judge James Gwin (above)

To determine whether to dismiss the case by throwing out the evidence.

The trial judge decided to make his decision behind closed doors in his chambers.

To shut the story down.

And avoid public scrutiny.

The decision to toss the case will come as soon as Friday.

Details of the case are in these stories:

“Will Ohio's child slavery cartel continue after Oct. 28th?”

“Is the Bush-Hughes child trafficking network still operating?”

“FBI's Hughes promoted for covering up his role in mother's child sex ring”:

“Adoption agencies sold meth through Mexican cartels”

“Judge orders cover-up in Ohio child slavery case”

“Feds covering up Ohio adoption hub who sold children to Somali sex gangs”

“The evil behind Lisa Page's child trafficking ring”

“Barr rigged Cleveland case so no one will be charged with selling children”

“Barr promoted Zink to hide child slavery network”

“OH Gov. DeWine part of child trafficking ring in Haiti”

“Why is no one going to jail for selling children?”

“How to buy a child from overseas using welfare money”

“Bribes fuel UN's control of child trafficking”

“Child slavery cartels ignored in Cleveland to prosecute 90 bike thefts”

Updated Yesterday

Prosecutors’ oppose motion to dismiss:

574 defendants

There is 282 defendants with the same case number as Mrs. Robin Herring Longoria.

She was added to the Margaret Cole-Hughes criminal case in Cleveland.

Details are in federal court records:

There are 245 defendants in this story:

“Adoption agencies sold meth through Mexican cartels”:

There are another 29 defendants that a federal court ruled in 2010 were part of the European Adoption Consultants cartel.

This investigation started in 2000.

Details are in this story:

“Feds covering up Ohio adoption hub who sold children to Somali sex gangs”:

There are 18 defendants with the same criminal case number as Margaret Cole Hughes.

That totals 574.

Editor’s note

In these 574 cases, no one has been charged with selling children.

Money laundering charges have been limited to $30,000.

Defense attorneys have admitted that at least $200 million has passed through European Adoption Consultants (EAC) over 40 years.

EAC has retained a corporate law firm to prevent criminal charges from being filed against the business.

Corporations can be prosecuted for criminal conduct too.

With charges filed against other corporate members, employees, and family beneficiaries like Margaret’s daughter, mother, and son.