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Another Obama Justice Dept. slush fund of three billion dollars capped, stopped by Sessions

Jeff Session said today that his Justice Dept. stopped paying "extortion" money to non-profit groups who had no right to it. 

Three billion dollars were made to La Raza, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition and the National Urban League. It was diverted from funds owed victims in federal court cases.

It was discovered by the Congressional Budget Office. Their director, Keith Hall, titled his report, "The Stop Settlement Slush Fund Act" and is linked here:

In a directive to every U.S. Attorneys' office, Sessions said he would end another illegal practice of the Obama Justice Department. 

This policy mandated companies pay tribute to groups that were neither victims nor parties to cases in federal courts. Sessions is the new sheriff in town and heads the Justice Department.

According to Tom Finton of Judicial Watch, this is another example of the Obama "Justice Department to extort money from corporations. It's a shakedown. It's corrupt, pure and simple".

Judicial Watch is an organization dedicated to filing federal public information law suits to uncover government's wasteful spending and corruption.

Sessions said the money should, instead, go to victims or the Treasury Department on behalf of American citizens.

If these groups fail to return the money, their assets can be seized. The Justice Department prosecutes federal crimes.