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Listen to Mark Hazelwood's Feb. 6th appeal

Mark Hazelwood, former President of Flying Pilot Flying J (above)

A decision is pending.

No date has been set for its release.

Upon its conclusion, Prosecutors anticipate charging Pilot’s owner, Jimmy Haslam, and 24 more former employees in the Pilot criminal conspiracy.

In anticipation of those charges, the NFL has allowed Dee Haslam and JW Johnson to run the team.

Dee is Jimmy’s wife.

JW Johnson is Jimmy’s son-in-law.

The Hazelwood appeal is one hour, four minutes, and 45 seconds.

To listen, please click the blue link below;

Nearly all of it was reduced to one issue:

Whether or not introducing a three minute audio tape of Hazelwood swearing and making fun about:

  • women

  • the Cleveland Browns

  • the City of Cleveland

  • black people

. . . is cause to dismiss the case or retry the case.

If a new trial is granted, the Hazelwood case gets sent back to the same trial judge who heard the case.

Judge Curtis Collier.

Hazelwood has called Judge Collier “prejudiced”.

The trial was spread over three months.

Judge Curtis Collier (above)

Hazelwood was found guilty of stealing $10,405,836 million from his former customers at Pilot.

He was found guilty and sentenced to twelve and half years in prison.

In the meantime, Hazelwood is on home arrest.

Running several trucking businesses.

Judge Curtis Collier has called Hazelwood a “flight risk”.

Heather Jones and Scott Wombold are also defendants in the Hazelwood appeal.

Miss Jones got two years, nine months for stealing $5,488,497 from Pilot customers.

Heather Jones (above)

Scott Wombold was sentenced to six years for stealing $4,319,46 from Pilot customers.

Scott Wombold is pictured above.

Jimmy Haslam, CEO of Pilot Flying J, admitted in writing that his company stole $56 million from its customers.

He never received immunity.

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