DNC checks written for $212,496 to CrowdStrike connect murders of Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas?

DNC checks written for $212,496 to CrowdStrike connect murders of Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas?

Seth Rich was killed on July 10th, 2016. The next day, CrowdStrike, an FBI contractor and IT company, received a check for $98,849.84 from the Democratic National Committee (DNC).

Rich worked for the Democratic National Committee (DNC). It is unknown whether Rich leaked his employer's emails. 

Shawn Lucas was killed on Aug. 2nd, 2016. The next day, CrowdStrike received a check for $113,645.77 from the DNC. 

Lucas delivered a law suit to DNC headquarters for a local court. The suit alleged the Democratic Party committed fraud by rigging their primary election in favor of Hillary Clinton. 

The source of the checks is the Federal Election Commission (FEC).



CrowdStrike is an FBI private contractor with "unrestricted illegal access" to top secret information, according to Judge Rosemary Collyer. She heads the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), better known as FISA.


CrowdStrike's computer software customers include Congress, the White House, the State Department, Democratic National Committee, the White House, the State Department, SONY, and Google. 



Shawn Lucas


Seth Rich.jpg

Seth Rich

Updated April 11th, 2019

The $212,496 was spent on a “self-extracting thumb drive”, according to George Webb.

This thumb drive can automatically extract data from the DNC server which include emails and money.

Webb said today that this is how the hack of the DNC was done. And the person doing the hacking was Imran Awan.

Webb’s daily video series on YouTube has run two years.

Webb and his researchers have uncovered details of the takedown of President Donald J. Trump.

Attorney General William Barr confirmed yesterday to Congress that “spying did occur” on the Trump Campaign.

Webb’s team was the first to say so.


For more on Imran Awan and spygate, please link to:


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