BlackRock to replace Biden with UN’s Cathy Russell
Who at BlackRock has that kind of clout?
Tom Donilon.
He is the Chairman of BlackRock.
To what end?
To transfer the federal government to the United Nations through a series of treaties.
They will be signed starting this afternoon in Geneva, Switzerland.
Tom can do this all by himself?
He has help from the:
CIA, who Tom still advises using his top-secret clearance
his brother, Mike Donilon, Joe Biden’s Chief of Political Strategy, and
Tom’s wife, Cathy Russell
Cathy Russell works for the:
United Nations (UN)
their subsidiary, the World Health Organization (WHO)
the China Communist Party (CCP)
Prior to that, Cathy Rusell was:
Joe Biden’s personnel chief
Ambassador on Women’s Issues under President Barack Obama
Deputy Attorney-General to Janet Reno during the Clinton administration
What are their backgrounds?
Details are in this story:
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Tip from China’s media source, Xinhua News Agency.
It is owned by the China Communist Party (CCP).
The CCP has been working with Catherine Russell since 2009.