Why is Medicare paying $40 instead of $1.50 per Covid-19 dose?

Why is Medicare paying $40 instead of $1.50 per Covid-19 dose?

Because Chiquita Brooks-LaSure approved it.

She is the head of Medicare & Medicaid Services, a one trillion dollar agency.


Chiquita’s budget is bigger than the Pentagon’s.

The U.S. spends half of what the rest of the world does on military operations.


According to her federal agency’s website, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is paying $40 per Covid-19 dose.

India, however, is paying three dollars for a dose made by one of its country’s drugmakers.


Indonesia is releasing its own Covid-19 vaccine next month at $1.50 a dose.

It was developed at Baylor University (Waco, TX) and Texas Children’s Hospital (Houston, TX).



According to the above press release from Monday, Brooks-LaSure has done nothing to reduce the cost or improve the quality of Covid-19 vaccines.

Chiquita Brooks-LaSure

(Caroline Brehman/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)


Chiquita Brooks-LaSure continues to use federal money to pay Planned Parenthood and others to perform abortions.

She has never issued a directive to stop it.

Chiquita was in charge of implementing Obamacare back in 2008.


The first thing the Biden Administration did was to reinstate Obamacare.


Questions to Director Brooks-LaSure can be directed to her using this website:


They can also be directed to her Deputy Chief Operating Administrator, Karen Jackson at:

  • 410-786-3000


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