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Texas Mom remains free without bond after buying her son a four-year-old "adopted" girl from Poland

Debra Parris Edwards, 69, of Ft. Worth, Texas is the Mom.

She is free without bond until her sentencing hearing in Cleveland Federal Court on March 9th.

Miss Debra and two co-workers bought a four-year-old girl, Madison, from Poland for her son, John Tufts, 50.

According to a 71-page Texas Appeals Court decision dated Sept. 3rd last year.

It is linked here:

Parris’ co-workers are:

  • Mrs. Robin Herring Longoria, 61, of Ft. Worth, Texas

  • Margaret Cole Hughes, 73, of Ashtabula, Ohio

They are defendants in Parris’ court case.

They work for Margaret Cole Hughes’ business called European Adoption Consultants (EAC) of the Cleveland, Ohio suburb of Strongsville.

According to federal court records, 574 named defendants got away with $200 million selling 8000 children over 40 years.

EAC was never closed down despite the best efforts of the State Department and Ohio Attorney General.

According to Clare Moran, corporate attorney for European Adoption Consultants.

Debra Parris’ son, John Tufts, 50, was involved in the most notorious crime in Dallas-Ft. Worth since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

According to the jury, Tufts jammed a Barbie doll into Madison’s vagina.

It got stuck.

After a week of bleeding, the child was taken to Cook Children Hospital in Ft. Worth, Texas.

It was “the worse case of child abuse” they “had ever seen”, according to hospital staff.

Madison sustained permanent injuries.

She is unable to have children.

Twenty pages of details of Madison’s injuries are in the Texas Appeals case linked above.

John Tufts is serving a jail term of 54 years in Texas’ Coffield Prison for three counts of injury to a four-year-old girl, Madison.

Tufts was denied parole on May 26th.

John’s next parole hearing is May 2025.

Instead of being charged with child trafficking, Mrs. Parris-Edwards plead guilty to two counts of conspiracy to commit fraud to falsify forms to facilitate making money from international adoptions.

Debra Parris’ 22-page plea deal from last week is linked here:

The defendants’ personal and corporate tax records have been barred from public view.

EAC sold kids according to CNN.

EAC’s child slavery, human trafficking, and cartel drug network have been protected by:

One of Parris-Edwards’ co-workers, Robin Herring Longoria, 61, has already pleaded guilty to conspiracy fraud and bribery charges.

Longoria will be sentenced in two weeks on Dec. 14th.

Mrs. Robin’s sentencing has been delayed six times.

She admitted to working for BlackRock Financial in Dallas, Texas too.

In Human Resources.

Margaret Cole Hughes’ trial is Feb. 9th (above)

Other sources

Editor’s note

The federal court trial judge in the European Adoption Consultants (EAC) Three case is James Gwin.

He has no idea about the John Tufts’ case.

Judge Gwin is also unaware that Tufts is Debra Parris’ son.

Neither federal prosecutors nor his court’s pre-trial services staff has made him aware of it.

Even though the Tufts’ case is public information.

Why are prosecutors and probation departments withholding the Tufts’ criminal file?

Are they incompetent?

Or on the side of the defense?

Withholding information in order to cover up EAC’s criminal network to: