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Convicted Flynn partner selling his home and moving back to Iran before Oct. 18th sentencing?

Bijan Kiani Rafiekian (center) with Mike Flynn (right). The person on the left is unidentified.

Convicted partner of Mike Flynn, Bijan Kian Rafiekian, is moving back to Iran.

His attorney, Kristen Verderame, may be joining him. She has her house up for sale too.

Flynn is a former three-star Army General.

He resigned from President Donald J. Trump’s cabinet.

Kian was found guilty July 23rd of:

  • being a Turkish spy and

  • conspiring to lie to the FBI to cover it up

Kristen Verderame is a “person of interest” in the same criminal case with Flynn and Kian.

She is the personal attorney for both of them.

Verderame is also their corporate attorney for Flynn Intel Group.

Flynn has been named as a co-conspirator in the case.

Verderame has immunity and will never be named as another defendant co-conspirator.

Rafiekian was born Jan. 15th, 1952 in Iran, according to his petition to become an American citizen dated April 23rd, 1990.

Sentencing is Oct. 18th.

Kiani’s pre-sentence hearing on Sept. 5th will reveal his past federal criminal history.

He was found guilty of conspiracy to traffic cocaine on July 2nd, 1997, according to Pacer, the official record of the federal judiciary.

Rafiekian’s original sentence was 253-months.

It was reduced to 131-months on Jan. 30th, 1998.

Prosecutors are asking for 15-years in jail.

Unserved jail time from a prior case may add another ten years.

Rafiekian has been on probation since March 21st, 2008.

The paperwork in Kian’s federal criminal history is unavailable.

Court records of what is public are attached below.

According to court records, Bijan Kiani Rafiekian was granted permission to sell his house.

Since he listed his house the day before he was indicted on Dec. 18th, sales proceeds are exempt from asset seizure.

Who tipped Kian off?

There is nothing stopping Rafiekian from returning to Iran as soon as possible.

He may already be there with his wife.

Prosecutors never said Kiani was a flight risk.

In fact, Rafiekian was given permission to travel to California.

Prosecutors never required bail or detention of any kind.

Will Judge Anthony Trenga order Kian’s immediate detention?

Rafiekian was given a continuance until Aug. 17th to file paperwork asking for a new trial.

No appeal is anticipated by defense counsel.

The court “Order Setting Conditions of Release” dated Dec. 17th are imaged here: