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Supreme Court to hear Arizona election steal case March 2nd

The Supreme Court (above)


The U.S. Supreme Court has set March 2nd for a one-hour oral argument.

The Arizona election steal case.

The audio of the case will be broadcast live on national media networks.

Arizona alleges that both political parties conspired to steal votes through unverified:

  • mail-in ballots

  • out-of-precinct voting

Case numbers are 19-1257 and 19-1258 were filed two years ago.

These lawsuits are combined.

The court agreed to hear the case on Oct. 2nd.

The first is against the Arizona Republican Party.

The other against the DNC, the Democratic National Committee.

Mark Brnovich, Atty. Gen. of Arizona, brought the case to the Supreme Court.

He sued both political parties on behalf of the State of Arizona.

When will the court rule next year?