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Feds covering up Ohio adoption hub who sold children to Somali sex gangs

It was European Adoption Consultants or EAC.

Defense attorneys admitted it by submitting Exhibit E in a 23-page court filing on April 19th.

They represent Margaret Cole Hughes, EAC’s former Director.

Her case number is attached to 30 other defendants, Somali gang members, in a Nashville Federal Court case imaged here:

It is also connected to the John Tufts child abuse case in Ft. Worth, Texas.

European Adoption Consultants (EAC) was a fake international adoption agency.

It was licensed by the State Department and the State of Ohio.

Until last year.

When it was closed down.

The case began in 2000.

Somali gangs in Columbus, Minneapolis, and Nashville bought underage girls to pimp them for money.

It took the Justice Department ten years to charge the EAC-Somali 30.

The case resurfaced on Aug. 13th with charges against three former EAC employees.

The first is Mrs. Robin Herring Longoria.

She is being sentenced on May 18th at 10 a.m. in Cleveland Federal District Court.

Robin pleaded guilty to single counts of fraud and conspiracy.

For more details, please open this link:

Longoria took the plea because she was promised no jail time.

Margaret Cole Hughes’ Oct. 27th trial has been suspended indefinitely.

Margaret was charged with fraud and conspiracy on Aug. 13th with two of her former employees:

  • Debra Edwards Parris

  • Dorah Mirembe, an attorney in Uganda

Margaret Cole Hughes’ son, Robert E. Hughes III, is an FBI agent.

He was promoted for his work on his mother’s case.

Special Agent Hughes used to work for Andy McCabe and Peter Strzok in the Washington, D.C. office of the FBI.

McCabe used to head the Justice Department.

Strzok was the FBI agent who simultaneously worked for John Brennan and the CIA.

Lisa Page, Strzok’s CIA partner, lived in Strongsville for seven years.

She told local law enforcement to stay out of her way.

They did.

Strongsville Police made no arrests in the EAC international adoption case.

Nor do they have records of Lisa Page’s activity in Strongsville.

So far, no one of the 34 defendants in 12 states and 14 countries have been prosecuted for child trafficking.

Instead, some of the defendants’ guilty verdicts have been reversed on appeal.

The rest have taken plea deals ranging from zero to three years in jail for:

  • fraud

  • conspiracy

  • selling up to 500kg of cocaine and oxy

  • murder

  • murder-for-hire

  • interstate transportation of stolen property

Robin Herring Longoria in a white blouse. The source is her son, Austin’s Twitter, dated Nov. 30th, 2016.

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