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Biden’s key advisor, BlackRock’s Tom Donilon, is making money putting truckers out of business

The story starts here:

According to Shameek Konar, CEO of Pilot Flying J:

“We were informed by the Union Pacific (Railroad) that we were required to reduce shipments (of diesel fuel) by 26%.”

Who did Konar speak to at Union Pacific?

He refused to say.

As of today, there has been no answer from Pilot’s Media Relations Department.

Was it Tom Donilon?

Because of Executive privilege, no one will ever know through a public records search of phone logs, emails, or correspondence.

Donilon is Chairman of BlackRock.

He is Joe Biden’s handler.

For over 35 years.

In other words, Tom can see Joe Biden anytime he wants.

In fact, Tom’s wife, Cathy Russell is set up to replace Joe Biden later this month.

Details are in this story:

How important is Pilot to truckers?

At their truck stops, Pilot sells 20% of the diesel fuel in the U.S.

What happens to price when supplies dwindle?

They go up.

At six dollars a gallon and five miles to the gallon, the cost of fuel is putting independent long-haul truckers out of business.

What happens to the price of gas and diesel fuel when oil exports set records month-after-month?

Fuel prices go up.

Is Tom Donilon positioning China to buy the Union Pacific Road, Pilot Flying J, or both from BlackRock?

What is the typical annual rate of return for investors as reported by BlackRock?

Twenty percent.

Twenty-five mutual fund groups own 81% of the Union Pacific Railroad.

Vanguard’s share is the largest at 8.5%.

BlackRock’s share of 7.3% and second best.

At Union Pacific’s shareholder meeting last month, BlackRock voted against three UP shareholder proposals.

They were items:

  • six: Diversity, women are only 30% and minorities six percent of UP’s workforce

  • seven: failure to disclose the company’s plan to increase diversity by 2030

  • eight: insufficient explanations of UP’s climate change risk plans

Details are in this BlackRock press release dated May 13th:

However, Union Pacific disclosed that because of the welfare policies of the Biden Administration, the federal government has destroyed UP’s ability to hire people.

Union Pacific has lost 50% of its workforce over the last two years.

UP has been unable to hire people who want to work.


Is it because welfare benefits pay better?

Who has the last say in what Biden Administration policies are enforced, ignored, or prosecuted?

Tom Donilon of BlackRock.

He has the first say too.

Tom Donilon is the Biden Administration.

Updated at 10:10 a.m.