First U.S. military base in Israel opens
The new base is designed to protect Israel from rocket attacks. It will house "dozens" of American soldiers.
It is under Israeli control, said Brig. Gen. Zvika Haimovich, commander of Israel's Aerial Defense Division. It took two years to build.
Iron Dome is a short range missile defense system unit that shoots down enemy rockets. This year, Israel developed Arrow 3 for long-range attacks and David's Sling for medium-range ones.
In February, a Juniper Cobra exercise will test Israel’s ability to protect itself from a large-scale missile attack. Thousands of Israeli and American soldiers will take part in the drill.
Why is this base so important? This means that whoever attacks Israel is also attacking the U.S.
Maj. Gen. John Gronski, deputy commander of the U.S .Army National Guard in Europe.
Israel and U.S. and Israeli Commanders cutting the ribbon to open a new U.S. military base in Israel on Sept. 18. Brig. Gen. Zvika Haimovich, commander of the Israel Air Force’s Aerial Defense Division is on the left. He is wearing a light blue full-sleeved shirt with three stars on each shoulder. Maj. Gen. John Gronski, deputy commander of the U.S. Army National Guard in Europe, is on the right. He is wearing a white, short-sleeved shirt.