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Strzok running ops in the Hilton?

Nigel Glennie, Hilton VP of Communications and Crisis Management (above)

Peter Strzok’s former boss, John Giacalone (jack a LOAN), manages CIA operations in Hilton locations worldwide.

Giacalone was hand-picked by its Board of Directors.

When John retired Feb. 28th, 2016 to work for Hilton, Giacalone was the third highest ranking official in the FBI/CIA.

Those ahead of Giacalone?

James Comey.

Andrew McCabe.

What happened to Strzok?

Is he working at the Hilton for his old boss as a contractor for the CIA?

Peter Strzok

John Giacalone, Hilton Worldwide

One of Giacalone’s best friends is Brian McCauley.

McCauley worked two jobs at the same time.

At the FBI, he was Deputy Assistant Director International Operations.

At the CIA, he was a Director of Operations, Science, and Technology.

Brian was the right-hand-man to John Brennan, former Director of the CIA.

McCauley testified at the Bijan Kian Rafiekian/Michael Flynn trial last month.

Brian lied to the court when he said he worked for the FBI.

He left out the CIA part.

According to the CIA, McCauley worked for them.

McCauley still works for the CIA.

Like Strzok.

As a contractor or non-employee.

McCauley is a double-dipper.

He collects two checks.

One is a retirement check from the federal government.

The other is a check from the CIA as a contractor.

Brian McCauley (above)

Giacalone worked with Mike Flynn and Peter Strzok in Baghdad in 2005.

In 2005, Giacalone was deputy on-scene-commander in the Iraqi theater of operations.

John coordinated the efforts of the FBI, the intelligence community, and the U.S. military.

They rescued kidnap victim, Roy Hallums on Sept. 5th, 2005.

John met Bijan Kian Rafiekian at the Naval War College in 2006.

At the time, Kian was a Director and Giacalone was a graduate student.

Mike Flynn (left) and Bijan Kiani Rafiekian (above)

Giacalone was Executive Assistant Director (EAD) for the CIA/FBI in charge global operations for:

  • counterrorism

  • counterintelligence

  • weapons of mass destruction

He ran a Joint Terrorism Task Force out of New York City for two years.

Giacalone managed 500 plus federal agents, NYC detectives, and CIA analysts.

The CIA uses rooms in the Hilton as “recording studios” to capture audio and video.

Is surveillance on hotel property limited to threats of national security?

Or is everything on Hilton property recorded for future use?

Where are the backup videos stored?

Who is paying for it?

Customers or taxpayers?

Nigel Glennie is Hilton Worldwide’s VP of Communications and Crisis Management.

He refused to confirm Jack a LOAN’s (Giacalone) hire date of March 1st, 2016.

Glennie responded 17 minutes after the information request, never answering it.

Glennie is responsible to Hilton’s management and stockholders.

He has no duty to respond to anyone else.

Nigel Glennie (above)

Hilton’s Board of Directors include:

  • John Schreiber, founder of Blackstone Real Estate Advisors

  • Judith McHale, former Under Secretary to the Secretary of State

  • Raymond Mabus, former Secretary of the Navy and former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia

  • Jonathan Gray, President and Chief Operating Officer of Blackstone Group Management LLC

Some say Blackstone is Blackwater, a former group of private assassins.

Some say Blackstone never had any connection to Blackwater.

Where is the headquarters for the CIA?

McClean, Virginia.

Hilton suites are a mile and a half away from CIA headquarters.

Besides the Hilton and its Board of Directors, these are six other persons who want to have the John Giacalone Hilton/CIA matter covered up.

They are:

  1. Former FBI Director and Special Prosecutor Roberrt Mueller. He hired and promoted Giacalone.

2. Former FBI Director James Comey. He promoted Giacalone.

3. Former CIA Director John Brennan. Both Peter Strzok and John Giacalone worked for Brennan.

4. Attorney General Bill Barr. His best friend is Robert Mueller.

5. Mrs. Peter Strzok: Melissa Hodgman

6. Giacalone’s former boss: Randy Coleman

According to his testimony before Congress dated June 21st, 2018, Giacalone (jack a LOAN) said he had:

  • top security clearance for five years (page ten) that was renewable

  • Green Badge status allowing him to come and go from FBI offices anytime he pleased (page nine)

John (Jack) Lowell Hilton Jr. owned a thousand shares of Flynn Intel stock.

Source is Rob Kelner, former attorney for Flynn Intel Group.

Kelner filled out this public filing.

“Darkshore LLC” is John L. Hilton Jr.

Jack is fluent in Chinese and Italian.

How did he end up with immunity?

How did he end up incorporating a business from an Akron, Ohio Hilton Inn business address?

Jeff Peterson partner with Jack in Peterhill Games LLC.

Nicky Hilton’s proposed venture to set up her own brand of hotels never seemed to get off the ground.

It was her personal venture.

It had no connect to Hilton Worldwide.

It was interrupted by a:

Unable to confirm whether former FBI Director Robert Swan Mueller set up a similar program at the Marriott.

Unable to find a picture of John “Jack” Lowell Hilton Jr.


A Hilton shy of publicity?

Find one?

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