Haslam trio to be charged before April 15th

Haslam trio to be charged before April 15th

The Haslam family trio?

  • Dee

  • her husband, Jimmy

  • their son-in-law, JW Johnson

The filing deadline to file criminal conspiracy charges against them is April 15th.

Next year.

Browns’ owners Dee Haslam and her son-in-law, JW Johnson.


Here are four examples of the Haslam family’s usual, everyday, and customary business practices:


Mark Hazelwood was paid $40 million in hush money for accepting corporate liability for his racist remarks made at a company event.


The hush money insulated Pilot Flying J from liability for their past President’s remarks.

At the time, Hazelwood was Jimmy Haslam’s right-hand-man of Pilot Flying J.

An appeals court reversed Mark’s jury trial sentence of 12 and a half years for stealing $10,405,836 million from customers.

Hazelwood is innocent and a free man.

Mark Hazelwood


The source is federal prosecutor, Trey Hamilton (Francis M. Hamilton III).

Hamilton’s promotion is effective April 25th.

Trey Hamilton, federal prosecutor

Jan. 22nd, 2009



Pilot Flying J charged $4.99 a gallon for gasoline in three states back in Sept. 2008.

After Hurricane Ike devastated Kentucky and other parts of the country.

As a result, Pilot a $100,000 fine to the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

For price gouging.



Pilot Travel Centers (Pilot Flying J) “broke the law” by “improperly . . . classifying” 382 employees as “salaried exempt employees.”

Instead, the employees should have been paid overtime.

Pilot paid $4,250,000 in a settlement dated Oct. 27th, 2009.

How many other wrongful overtime cases were settled by the Haslams?

There are 599 more federal cases to search through.


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