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What hazardous materials are on the ship that got stuck in the Suez Canal?

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“This satellite image from Cnes2021, Distribution Airbus DS, shows the cargo ship MV Ever Given stuck in the Suez Canal near Suez, Egypt, Thursday, March 25, 2021.

“The skyscraper-sized cargo ship wedged across Egypt's Suez Canal further imperiled global shipping Thursday as at least 150 other vessels needing to pass through the crucial waterway idled waiting for the obstruction to clear, authorities said. (Cnes2021, Distribution Airbus DS via AP)”

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From Planet Labs Inc., for the Associated Press (AP).

Six tugboats continue to free the Panamanian container vessel, “Ever Given.”

It got stuck in the Suez Canal, Tuesday.

Turned sideways.

By power failure and high winds.

According to the Suez Canal Authority.

Or was the ship’s control tower hacked?

Twelve percent of the world’s cargo goes through the Suez Canal.

The Ever Given going aground has stopped its sea traffic.

Traffic from the Red Sea heading north.

Traffic from the Mediterranean heading south.

The first time a single ship has done so in its 140 year history.

So far, 206 vessels are backed up in a traffic jam.

It was 92 ships two days ago.

Waiting for the canal to be cleared for safe passage.

The Ever Given is twice as long, 400 meters, as the canal is wide.

Or four and a half football fields.

A quarter-mile.

Almost as long as the Empire State Building is tall.

It operates with a crew of 25.

The ship’s containers are filled.

With what?

So far, no one is saying.

Whatever it is.

The ship is full.

And heavy.

Medical supplies?


Human cargo?

Or something else?

The Ever Given has a Hazard A license.

With Call Sign “H3RC”.

Does it stand for “Hillary Rodham Clinton”?

Since her husband, Bill, was a former President, Hillary Clinton has lifetime Secret Service protection.

Her code name?


What possible hazards?

Here is a partial list:

  • Explosives

  • Poisons

  • Radioactive materials

According to Homeland Security:

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Tip from Grant.

Updated March 25th at 8:20 p.m.

Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM) is Ever Given’s technical manager.

They have 11 locations throughout the world.

BSM said that “strong winds” caused the accident.

Their press release is attached below.

Here is some new information:

  • the Ever Given was traveling to Rotterdam, Netherlands

  • two canal pilots were aboard

  • all 25 are safe, accounted for, and remain onboard

  • the crew are citizens of India

  • no reports of cargo damage or pollution

Egypt hired Smit Salvage from Rotterdam, Denmark to dislodge the Ever Given.

The cargo ship is owned by the Taiwanese company "Evergreen Marine Corp."

It loaded in China.

Tip from enigmadroid in Egypt.

Other sources

CargoMetrics Technologies is used by Ever Given to track its movement and cargo.

Investors in CargoMetrics include:

  • Blackstone

  • Eric Schmidt, Google founder

  • Maersk Tankers, the world’s largest container shipping company, services in 374 ports, 116 countries, with crews of 7,000

Updated March 26th 3:23 p.m. EST

Updated March 27th 6:28 a.m.

Evergreen Marine Corp., the owner of Ever Given, posts updates on the Suez Canal incident on its website here:

The owners of the Ever Given have 149 other ships in its fleet of cargo vessels.,ships%20and%20approximately%20560%2C000%20TEUs.

Sent an email to Rahul Khanna, lead insurance underwriter of the Ever Given.


  • what caused the Suez Canal grounding incident?

  • Who are the Captains of the Ever Given?

  • What cargo is on the ship?

  • How much of the losses related to the incident is his company, Allianz, liable for?