Fixed: Bass elected LA Mayor using Konnech software

Fixed: Bass elected LA Mayor using Konnech software

Karen Bass (D-CA)



Karen Bass isn’t.

Her opponent, Rick Caruso, was in on the fix too.

And the Los Angeles (LA) County Commissioners who voted to keep Konnech to run their elections.

Even though their District Attorney (DA), George Gascon, said Konnech embezzled $2,640,000 from the city.

Konnech used its defective software to send personal data to China.

It was never repaired to prevent future data breaches.

Otherwise, all three would have challenged the election results for Mayor.


  • Caruso conceded

  • the LA Commissioners did nothing, and

  • the LA District Attorney, George Gascon?

Gascon survived two recall elections using Konnech software.

Karen Bass has admitted allegiance to International Law under the United Nations rather than to the U.S. Constitution.

Details are in this story:

And this one:

In this June 25 photo Rep. Karen Bass, D-Calif., speaks during a news conference on the House East Front Steps on Capitol Hill in Washington ahead of the House vote on the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020. [ CAROLYN KASTER | AP ]

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