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Hillary to refuse copping a deal for taking billions in bribes

Dick Morris said that he "doubts" Hillary Clinton, former U.S. Secretary of State, will cop a plea in her bribery case.

Morris was one of former Bill Clinton's key political advisers and had years of personal contact with the Clinton family.

Hillary allegedly took over $100 billions in exchange for selling government property and information.

The cash was then allegedly laundered through a fake charity, the Clinton Foundation.  Hillary owns and operates the Foundation with her husband, former President Bill Clinton, and their daughter, Chelsea.

So far, no criminal charges have been filed against the Clintons.

Starting in the third minute of the first video below, Dick Morris recalls a phone call with Hillary Clinton. It was about a plea deal suggested by Kenneth Starr, a federal prosecutor during the impeachment proceedings of President Clinton. 

In the video, Morris said Hillary refused the plea cursing, screaming, and yelling. And he expects Hillary to once again refuse to cop a plea in the bribery matter.