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It's not over! Trump to regain Presidency by Monday

Why are there 90,000 National Guardsmen in 50 states?

They total 65,000 in and surrounding the Capitol.

Sources are:

  • Gen. Dan Hokanson, Chief, National Guard.

  • Chief Deputy U.S. Marshal Lamont Ruffin, U.S. Marshals

The mission is “long term” said Gen. Hokanson.

Please fast forward to 37 seconds

The rest are scattered among the 50 states and territories like Puerto Rico.

U.S. Marshals have deputized 4300 Guardsmen and local law enforcement officers to make arrests.

Instead of the FBI, which is run by the CIA.

Since 1998.

Peter Strzok involved too?

The 90,000 National Guard troops are still controlled by President Donald J. Trump.

Who has maintained control of Washington, D.C.

Until Monday.

Per Executive Order issued Jan. 11th.

If Joe Biden is President, how did he lose control of Washington, D.C.?

FEMA is the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

The Trump sting was triggered when Joe Biden was inaugurated.

And the website replaced

A domestic terrorist organization.

Besides the National Guard, these agencies are directing the arrests of the Biden Administration and its minions:

  • DHS (Homeland Security)

  • FEMA

  • U.S. Marshals to make the arrests instead of the CIA controlled FBI

  • Secret Service

The heads of Antifa are the:

  • Biden Administration

  • Democrat Party

  • Bribed media

  • Governors and their Secretaries of States who allowed unverified mail-in ballots to inflate the Biden vote in excess of those registered to vote

  • Mayors of sanctuary and “Strong Cities” who allowed policemen, children, and allow citizens to be murdered without prosecution

  • Governors of states who allowed unverified mail-in ballots to inflate the Biden vote in excess of those registered to vote

  • United Nations

  • NATO

    Other sources

To start the above video, please click this link:

Source: retired Gen. Thomas McInerney.

The video was shot from inside the Joe Biden motorcade.

There are 65 photos of the U.S. Marshals swearing in National Guardsmen as deputies at:

Here are some of them:

Updated Jan. 22nd at 1:15 p.m.

Why is impeachment needed if Donald J. Trump is no longer President?

Because he must still be President.

According to Congress.

The Senate said this morning that it is trying to schedule an impeachment trial in February.


By the way, President Trump still has control of the “doomsday plane”.

It allows the President to:

  • control all American military assets worldwide

  • survive a nuclear blast from inside the plane

Pretty hard to be in charge of the military if one is no longer President.
