What treaty did Pentagon sign with S. Korea?

What treaty did Pentagon sign with S. Korea?


Above on the left, signing for S. Korea is Brig. Gen. Jong Seong Ahn, Commanding General Armed Forces Medical Command (AFMC).

Signing for the U.S. is Maj. Gen. Barbara R. Holcomb, Commanding General, Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (AMRIID) at the Ft. Detrick campus in Maryland.

President Donald J. Trump never signed the treaty.

Congress never approved it.

S. Korea Army story Nov 20th 2018 image banner.png
S. Korea Nov 15 16 2018 program logo image.png
Wheeler S Korea 2018 trio photo .png

On the left is Gary Wheeler, M.D. The others are unidentified. Dr. Wheeler was replaced as Commander of Ft. Detrick on July 23rd.


S Korea Embassy masthead image.png

Other sources

Screenshot_2020-04-21 Pentagon unable to track its biological select agents and toxins (BSAT) -brassballs blog.png
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South Korea OK guard returns home April 7th 2020 image headline.png
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South Korea supply plane April 19th 2020.png

Here is the plane that left S. Korea with medical supplies headed for Baltimore, Maryland.

S. Korea ambassador Harry Harris image twittere.png
Hogan headline April 20th 2020 Baltimore Sun airplane.png

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan “welcomed a Korean Air Boeing 777 plane Saturday to BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport that carried the testing supplies.”

It was a different plane that the one that left S. Korea with the supplies.


Korean airplane MD.png

Here is the “same” medical supply plane landing in Baltimore. (above)

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S. Korea montage photo medical supplies Holcomb 2018.png

Above montage made by Craig McKain from Wellington City, New Zealand. Many thanks!

Montage Craig McKain New Zealand.png
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