Judge Bolden took $1.5 million in bribes to dismiss two cases against MI Election Czar Benson

Judge Bolden took $1.5 million in bribes to dismiss two cases against MI Election Czar Benson

Judge Kyra Bolden

The video link below is dated Sept. 24th:


Kyra Bolden is the Judge who took two bribes.


On August 24th, it was for $1.5 million.


According to Lavora Barnes, the money came from the Michigan Democrat Party.

Barnes heads their state party.


On April 26th, it was for $82,500.

This payment to Bolden was made FOUR DAYS before the Michigan Supreme Court was to hear two election cases against Jocelyn Benson for violating election laws in 2022 and 2020.

As Michigan Secretary of State, Benson is paid to follow state election laws rather than violating or ignoring them.


The April check was paid from Jocelyn Benson’s PAC (Political Action Committee).


Judge Bolden said the money was campaign contributions.

She is up for re-election on November 5th for a Michigan Supreme Court Justice seat.

What, then, makes the checks bribes?

It was contingent upon Judge Bolden issuing a court order:

  • dismissing two cases against Benson for helping steal Michigan's 2022 and 2020 elections

On Aug. 28th, Kyra dismissed the Benson cases.

Bolden’s 77-page order in the Benson case is linked here:



However, Bolden is only one of seven Michigan Supreme Court Judges.

The other Judges can outvote her 4-3.

But they didn’t.

The vote to dismiss the Benson cases was approved 7-0.

This reversed a unanimous Appeals Court ruling.

In a letter dated July 30th, the Michigan Supreme Court admits that the rest of the Michigan Judicial System is corrupt, too.

The above letter was sent from the Michigan Supreme Court to all of Michigan’s:

  • judges

  • court administrators

  • Probate Registers

  • Clerk of Courts


The letter updates the Michigan Supreme Court’s Administrative Order 2020-20, establishing an expedited method for tracking and dismissing election-related lawsuits in Michigan for issues like fraud.

AO No. 2020-20 — Michigan Supreme Court Administrative Order Regarding Election-Related Litigation linked here:


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