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Judge to rule Tuesday on whether to delay Flynn's sentencing another 60 days

Judge Emmett Sullivan


And reduce Mike Flynn’s sentence from five years?

No again.

What good is the testimony of a convicted liar?

Flynn has already admitted to lying to the FBI.

He lied to the Vice President too, but that is no crime.


A bad sign for Mike Flynn:

Judge Sullivan has already said, “Lying to the FBI is serious!”

What good is the testimony of a convicted liar?

Sullivan has a history of being lied to by the FBI and Justice Department.

Doubtful that the Judge will allow another lie to pass through his courtroom unpunished.

Another bad sign for Flynn is:

His lawyers quit last Friday.

They were Robert K. Kelner and Stephen P. Anthony.

They quit because they know how Judge Sullivan will rule.

No, on Flynn’s sentence reduction.

Another bad sign for Flynn is:

The Judge approved Kelner’s and Anthony’s motion to withdraw without naming replacements.

Does Judge Sullivan already know how is going to rule on Friday?

Ask Mike Flynn.

Watch his face as he enters the court room.

Compare that face to the one he had at his first court hearing when he was promised a plea deal.

Another bad sign for Flynn:

Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts removed Judge Rudy Contreras from the Flynn case.

His replacement?

Judge Sullivan.

It had nothing to do with FISA warrants. (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act)


Chief Justice Roberts wanted Flynn to get the maximum sentence.

Roberts knew Contreras was going to approve a deal giving Flynn a light sentence.

It is pay back time for the Federal Judiciary.

It starts Friday with Judge Emmett Sullivan in the Flynn case.

A landmark decision.

Maybe then Judge Sullivan’s granddaughter will get her wish.

She wants her Grandfather to get a television show.

Mike Flynn (above)

Flynn’s 62-page sentencing hearing dated Dec. 18th, 2018

Updated June 14th

Judge signs order removing Covington from Flynn case.

Miss Sidney Powell has until Monday at 5 p.m. to file proper paperwork to represent Flynn.

Tuesday is status hearing at 2 p.m.

Judge Sullivan to rule on whether to approve delay in Flynn’s sentencing another 60 days.