Julie Swetnick worked for Christine Blasey Ford's father, Ralph, for 12 years

Julie Swetnick worked for Christine Blasey Ford's father, Ralph, for 12 years

Christian Blasey Ford’s brother and father, Ralph III and Ralph Blasey II, above

Julie Swetnick worked for a company run by the CIA called Development Alternatives Inc. (DNI) for 12 years from 1989 to 2003.


DNI provides thousands of passports for non-American citizens a year. They include PhD scientists in natural resources, interns, prostitutes, students, and others.

After all, who checked?


During the years Miss Swetnick worked for DNI, she lived in an apartment at Bethesda Place Apartments, 7701 Woodmont Ave. in Bethesda, Maryland (MD). The owner advertises them as “luxury apartments”.


Julie Swetnick could walk to work. Bethesda Place Apartments is within a coin toss from her former employer, Development Alternatives Inc. (DAI). It is a mile from her apartment to a building that houses another three CIA companies listed after the video.

Christine Blasey’s father, Ralph, manages three companies run by the CIA. They are:

Passport services were key to CIA operations.

Barbara and William “Billy” Peel are the top two executives of Red Coats, Admiral Security, and Datawatch.


Please fast forward the video below to 6:16.


Fusion GPS, Baker Hostetler, Red Coats, Admiral Services, and Datawatch are located in the same building. Fusion GPS wrote the Russian dossier. Baker Hostetler is the global law firm that created Fusion GPS. They are Fusion’s biggest customer. Fusion had top secret clearances yanked last year.

Christian Blasey’s brother, Ralph III, is an attorney, a sole practitioner, in the District of Columbia. He worked for Baker Hostetler for 15 years until Sept. 2004.



Red Coats Inc. and Datawatch Systems Inc. are incorporated in Delaware. Public incorporation paperwork for these companies are sealed and are unavailable.

It is unknown where Admiral Security Services Inc. is incorporated.

Delaware business search.png
DE Datawatch Systems.png

Julie Swetnick


Dr. Christine Blasey Ford

George Webb Sweigart is a producer of daily videos. He covers the CIA’s infiltration of federal agencies and the Spy Ring in Congress.

Sweigart is also an advisor to President Donald J. Trump.

The CIA has admitted that Christine Blasey Ford’s grandfather was a major CIA operative. He died in 1985.


Julie Swetnick admits having the following security clearances:

Julie Swetnick active top secret clearances.png


For a list of other CIA ventures, please link to:


One mile from apts to Red Coats.png

On of Data Watch’s product is LobbyWatch. It is a facial recognition system installed in hotel lobbies. It takes everyone comes in and out of a hotel lobby. The information is stored for future targeted surveillances.

The source is Data Watch.


Data Watch is LobbyWatch.png

Ralph Blasey II was mentor to Rod Rosenstein, Assistant Attorney General, according to George Webb.

Third Supreme Court accuser colluder polluter said all three were best friends "for decades"

Third Supreme Court accuser colluder polluter said all three were best friends "for decades"

Julie Swetnick's resumes

Julie Swetnick's resumes