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Justice Barrett's tie-breaking vote re-elects Trump

Justice Amy Barrett (middle) flanked by her children on the left, the President, and his wife.

Justice Amy Barrett will break a 4-4 tie in a court case that ends up re-electing the President.

The case number is 20A84:

Republican Party of Pennsylvania versus Kathy Boockvar, Secretary of Pennsylvania.

The case is pending.

The Supreme Court heard a related case on Oct. 19th.

In a 4-4 vote, the court decided to count unverified mail-in ballots three days after Election Day, Nov. 3rd.

It ruled the Pennsylvania (PA) Secretary of State (SOS) could overrule the state legislature.

By ignoring state election law.

Allowing one person, the PA SOS.

To overturn it.

And allow mail-in ballots to be counted after the 8 p.m. Election Day deadline.

Justice Barrett was appointed to the court on Oct. 26th.

Her vote in the case will break the tie and reverse the Supreme Court decision.

Now, Pennsylvania’s count will stop when polls close on Election night.

The decision will be used to stop other states from doing the same thing.

At 8 p.m. on Election Night, the President had leads in:

  • Pennsylvania

  • Michigan

  • Wisconsin

  • Georgia

  • Nevada

  • Arizona

Those vote counts will stand.

Re-electing Donald J. Trump President.

The court’s decision would also lead to flipping a dozen races in the House of Representatives.

To Republican.

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)?

No longer Speaker of the House.

Fake news?


Anyone else reporting it correctly?

The case can be followed on the website of the U.S. Supreme Court:


Nov 13, 2020 at 5:29 AM

Response from U.S. Supreme Court

Dear Harry,

Thank you for your email. For your guidance, we believe the case you reference below is 20-542, Republican Party of Pennsylvania v. Kathy Boockvar, Secretary of Pennsylvania, et al., which may be found on the Court’s online docket, here: There is also a related emergency application in this matter, 20A84, Any updates to these matters will be reflected on the docket, via the links noted above.

Best regards,


Ashley Saunders

Public Information Specialist

Supreme Court of the United States
