Will the Judge order Eugene Yu’s cell phone returned on Dec. 2nd?

Will the Judge order Eugene Yu’s cell phone returned on Dec. 2nd?

Rick Olson, reporter, Citizen News, a 30-year residence of Los Angeles


At issue on Dec. 2nd is whether the Judge will order the LA DA to return Konnech CEO Eugene Yu’s cell phone.

Why not?

This morning, the Judge ordered Yu’s hard drive, 2” x 6” x 8” returned.

After a five-minute hearing.

The Judge is Victoria Bedrossian Wilson, Los Angeles Superior Court.


What did the hard drive contain?

Most of the evidence against Eugene Yu.

At 350 terabytes of data, his disc drive had the capacity to leak all the country’s election data to China and Barcelona, Spain.


Konnech is a China-based company that hires independent contractors to write its election management software.

They live in China and Barcelona, Italy.

Luis Nabergoi Puente, Konnech’s Project Manager for Los Angeles (LA), also works for Scytl in Barcelona, Italy.

Konnech and Scytl are partners specializing in election management systems software for the Pentagon and over a thousand Election Boards in the U.S.

Jianwei “Eugene Wei” Yu is Konnech CEO.

He was arrested on Oct. 4th trying to flee the country from the airport in Lansing, Michigan.

Details are in this story:


Why did Yu leave his cell phone behind?

He didn’t want to be tracked.

The sources are the:

  • Ingham County Sheriff’s Department arrested Yu

  • Nicole Matusko, Prosecutor, of Ingham County, Michigan

  • Judge Donald Allen, Ingham County Court, in Mason


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