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Barr rigged Cleveland case so no one will be charged with selling children

Bill Barr, former Attorney General (above).

Instead, the 34 defendants are being charged with fraud and conspiracy.

None have been charged with child trafficking.

Nor do they expect to be.

Monday, defense attorneys admitted that 30 persons in the criminal conspiracy were charged in 2010.

It operated for decades in eight states and eight countries.

The states were:

  • Florida

  • Illinois

  • Kentucky

  • N. Carolina

  • Ohio

  • Tennessee

  • Texas

  • Wisconsin

The countries were:

  • China (Wuhan)

  • Guatemala

  • Haiti

  • Mexico

  • Poland

  • Russia

  • Ukraine

  • Uganda

All 34 defendants worked for European Adoption Consultants (EAC) in Strongsville, Ohio, a Cleveland suburb.

Who said EAC was selling children?

The State Department did.

They responded by closing down European Adoption Consultants (EAC) on May 28th.

CNN said EAC was selling children too.

And ran this story called “Kids for Sale”:

Only one person, Mrs. Robin Herring Longoria, has pleaded guilty.

No one else has been prosecuted.

Her sentencing is Tuesday at 11 a.m. via conference call.

Longoria will get no jail time.

She has copped a plea to single counts of fraud and conspiracy.

The call will be made from her attorney's office in Ft. Worth, Texas, to Cleveland Federal Court.

Steven Jumes is Longoria’s attorney.

He used to work for Robert Mueller.

Mueller was the former FBI Director and Special Prosecutor.

Bill Barr and Robert Mueller are best friends.

Longoria has never been booked, photographed, or fingerprinted.

She never had a bail hearing.

Or pre-sentencing report.

She has never been to Ohio.

She worked for Blackrock Financial in Dallas, Texas, in Human Resources (HR).

Blackrock manages more assets than every country in the world except the U.S. and China.

Longoria lives in Ft. Worth, Texas.

The case was assigned to Cleveland Federal Court.


She never requested the case be moved to Ohio.

Who fixed the case?

Bill Barr.

The former Attorney General.

Barr promoted Mrs. Toni Bacon to head the Justice Department’s office in Albany, New York.

She was Barr’s top criminal trial attorney in his Cleveland office.

Why is this important?

The trial of Margaret Cole Hughes was scheduled for Oct. 26th.

Margaret was the owner and director of European Adoption Consultants (EAC).

By transferring Bacon from Cleveland to Albany, no one in the Justice Department was prepared to try the case.

Instead, The Judge delayed the trial.

It has never been rescheduled.

Will it ever be?

Barr also got the Texas Federal District Courts to transfer the Longoria case to Cleveland.

It buried the fact that she worked for Blackrock and was involved in the John Tufts’ child abuse case.

Tufts was found guilty of child abuse.

Local prosecutors said it was the worst child abuse case they had ever seen.,acts%20to%20an%20innocent%20child.%E2%80%9D

Longoria was working for EAC and helped transport the girl from Dallas to the Tufts’ home in Ft. Worth.

She was never charged in the Tufts’ case.

How did Barr fix the Longoria case?

He went “court shopping.”

A fancy legal term for fixing a case.

It is supposed to be illegal.

But who is going to object?

Barr directed Robert Zink, his Fraud Section Chief, to file a motion on Aug. 25th, requesting the Longoria case be transferred to Cleveland.

Judge Solomon Oliver, Jr. signed the court order approving the transfer.

Oliver was one of the NAACP attorneys who were made wealthy through court-ordered bussing in Cleveland.

The NAACP originally filed the case in Akron.

They got it transferred to Cleveland.

Through “court shopping.”

Inner-city schools throughout the country, including Cleveland, have never recovered.

Their quality of education is worse than before the bussing.

Attorneys were the only ones who profited from it.

The money from bussing was drained from Cleveland Public Schools and funneled into the pockets of local attorneys like Oliver.

Pacer is the official record of the federal courts.

The FBI was involved in the EAC cover-up too.

Their Special Agent, Robert Hughes, was assigned the Cleveland case when his mother’s home and office were raided.

His mother, Margaret Hughes Cole, is a defendant in the EAC child slavery cases.

She owned and ran European Adoption Consultants (EAC).

Twenty-five terabytes of evidence were seized in the raid.

How much is a terabyte?

Ten terabytes are enough to copy everything in the Library of Congress.

Here is the press release of Margaret Hughes Cole’s charges:

For his role in the cover-up, Special Agent Robert Hughes was promoted to head the FBI’s Milwaukee office.

Even though he was a beneficiary in the family business of selling children.

The money paid his personal expenses.

Including college.

Hughes worked in the FBI’s Washington, D.C. office for:

  • Andy McCabe

  • Bruce Ohr

  • Peter Strzok

. . . from 2008 to 2011.

Where does the judge come in on the fix?

The trial judge, Robert Boyko, signed a court order preventing the evidence from ever being made public.

He did that after he knew ABC was covering the case.

The parties will destroy it at the end of the case.

But why wait?

A sworn statement by one of the prosecutors in Warsaw, Poland, on Sept. 26th, 2018, was never entered into the court record.

Charges would have never been filed against the Hughes Crew but for the staff at Cook Children’s Health Care System, Ft. Worth, Texas.

They filed a written report of child abuse with Denton Police.

It resulted in the conviction of John Tufts for child abuse.

The hospital staff said it was the worst case of child abuse they had ever seen.

He is the son of Debra Parris Edwards, one of the defendants.

She worked directly with Margaret Cole Hughes.

Is Peter Strzok somehow connected to this child trafficking network?

His partner, Lisa Page, was.

She lived in Strongsville for six years covering up the illegal activity of European Adoption Consultants (EAC).

Page told the Strongsville Police to stay out of their affairs.

When asked for records on Lisa Page and EAC, the Strongsville Police said none existed.

Now Lisa is working for NBC/Universal.

European Adoption Consultants was set up in 1994.

President George H. W. Bush helped set up this phony non-profit to generate income for the Robert Hughes family.

It charged $20,000 to $40,000 to adopt a child overseas.

Hughes was a former chairman of the Republican Party in Cuyahoga County, Ohio (Cleveland).

It was payback for helping Bush carry Ohio in 1990 that helped elect him, President.

Parts of 54-pages of evidence submitted Monday in the case of Margaret Hughes

Updated April 26th

Mrs. Robin Herring Longoria’s sentencing has been delayed a sixth time.

Now it is May 18th at 10 a.m.

The motion was “unopposed” by Prosecutors.

This case has been delayed for eleven years.

Under President George H.W. Bush, Barr served the President as his:

  • Attorney General from 1991 to 1993

  • Deputy Attorney General from 1990 to 1991

  • Assistant Attorney General of the Office of Legal Counsel from 1989 to 1990

President Bush’s friendship with the family of Robert E. Hughes started in 1987 when Hughes was Chairman of the Ohio Republican Party.

Hughes was credited with helping Bush win Ohio.

It helped Bush win the Presidency in 1988.