Military swearing in Trump as President on March 6th

Military swearing in Trump as President on March 6th

Donald J. Trump being sworn in as President on Jan. 20th, 2017 (above)

Until March 6th, the Pentagon and Homeland Security are running the country.

In trust.

For America.

And Donald J. Trump.


  • Biden Administration

  • NPR

  • New York Times

  • CNBC

  • Defense News

The bribed media knows what is going on.

They refuse to cover it.

Because they are paid to keep quiet.

It pays more.

Than manufacturing fake news.

NPR Dec 29th.png
CNBC headline Dec 30th.png
NYT obstruction.png
NYT obstruction google blurb.png
Politico best headline.png
Politico story image.png
Defense news headline DEc 18th.png

Editor’s note

Got the date wrong.

Update from the Pentagon

Pentagon extremism press release Feb 2021.png

To the Biden Pentagon, what is “extremism”?

Saluting the American flag.

America First.

Refusing to be sent overseas to fight for NATO and the UN.

Pelosi needs 5,000 troops to protect Congress

Pelosi needs 5,000 troops to protect Congress

Biden's Executive Orders faked?

Biden's Executive Orders faked?