China gets free U.S. biodefense tech

China gets free U.S. biodefense tech

From Nebraska?



UNMC is the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Nebraska Medical Center newsroom banner headline image.png
UNMC China May 2nd 2016 image one banner.png
UNMC in Beijing 2016 Dele Davies photo.png

Above event was in Beijing, China on May 2nd, 2016.

UNMC whole story image May 2016 Beijing.png

And public and university officials lied and are continuing to lie about it.

Lied about what?

The University of Nebraska has been in partnership with the China Communist Party (CCP) since 1991 to develop biological defensive weapons.

And the Wuhan virus is one of them.

Sources are dozens of press releases on the website of the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC).

And videos from the:

  • Associated Press

  • KETV Newswatch 7

  • Nebraska Medicine Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC)

  • ABC

  • NBC

Unemed 25 years of tech transfer.png
UNMC-China map.png

Research is paid with tax dollars approved by Congress and laundered through the:

  • Dept. of Defense (DOD)

  • Ft. Detrick, the nation’s center for developing and storing bioweapons depot in Frederick, Maryland

  • Center for Disease Control (CDC)

  • Dept. of Health and Human Services (DHH)

  • National Guard

  • National Institute of Health


To China.

Laundered through UNeMed-China, a business chartered in China.

Losses passed on to the taxpayers.

Profits to a few.

The deal was concocked in 1991.

A for-profit business venture between the::

  • University of Nebraska

  • China

  • undisclosed partners

Unemed three corp filings ne.png

UNeMed transfers bioweapons, gene splitting, and other medical technology to China.

It is then sold it to the highest bidder.

For private gain.

Unemed three corp filings ne.png

UNMC is the University of Nebraska Medical Center.

Nebraska Medical Center newsroom banner headline image.png
UNMC China May 2nd 2016 image one banner.png
UNMC whole story image May 2016 Beijing.png
Bavari with mustache.png
Bavari caption with Army.png
Drug Discovery 7th program 2016 image top.png
Middle panel of program 2016.png

Featured Presentation:

Sina Bavari, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer, Scientific Director at the U.S. Army Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID).

Event dated May 5th, 2016 in Beijing, China.

On Jan. 31st, the President ordered a travel ban from China.

Omaha Nebraska green map.png

The Nebraska Party lie starts at Ashland Army base in Ashland, Nebraska.

Thirty miles southwest of Omaha.

Where a quarantine center is located.

This video from the Associated Press (AP) is dated Feb. 6th:

AP Feb 6th 2020.png

“Seventy individuals arrive in Nebraska” suspected of having the Chinese virus, said the Director of the Nebraska Medical Center.

No details of who or where from China they were coming from.

All American citizens?

Some Chinese nationals?


With children?

Only from Nebraska?

What were they doing in China?

Working for the University of Nebraska Medical Center in Chinese labs?

Gov. Pete Ricketts, the CDC, Nebraska Medicine/UNMC hold another press conference on Feb. 6th. The CDC is the Center of Disease Control.

KETV Feb 12th 2020.png

Training without masks.

In an area where 70 subjects of unknown origin are in a quarantine unit.

Brian Katzowitz of the CDC said there “nothing unusual” about the quarantine.

Then why is he there?

Dispatched from Washington, D.C.

He works for the Center of Disease Control.

Brian is working without a mask.


What danger?

CDC Feb 12th 2020 175 Natl Guard training before quarantine.png

Omaha, Nebraska is one of 15 Wuhan virus quarantine camps in the U.S.

The next video is from NBC.

They say that Omaha has the only quarantine camp in the country.

NBC is the first to mention that children are among the people under quarantine.

From where?

Details later.

None were given.

NBC stop asking questions.

However, they admitted that the quarantine group will be released in 14 days.

When the rest of the country is under lockdown?

Quarantine campe 15.png
Camp Ashland Nebraska is one of DOD 15 quarantine centers.png

NBC News' Kathy Park details the release of 57 Americans who were quarantined in Omaha, Nebraska after being evacuated from Wuhan, China. The group included children. The group will be released in 14 days without followup.

Please fast forward to one minute, 50 seconds. (above)

NBC Feb 20th 2020.png
Portland couple released Feb 20th 2020.png
AP second video thirty seconds image.png
NE Eric Kasowski MD CDC.png
Image cruise ship video UNMC.png

ABC reports 350 Americans from cruise ship in Japan were transported to biocontainment centers in:

  • California

  • Texas

No mention of any of them being transferred to Nebraska.

Cruise ship ABC Feb 16th 2020.png

According to the above video, a Omaha resident caught the Wuhan virus “from a staff member”.

The Douglas County Health Center is in Omaha.

KETV image.png

Nebraska National Guard troops exposed to the Wuhan virus will be returning from NATO missions in Europe.

What happens then?

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Other sources

Omaha Magazine crispr magazines Jan 2nd 2020.png
Biodefense NIH.png
Biodefense one image.png
Biodefense two.png
Prof bioidefense one.png
Another player.png
More labs.png
Feb 6th top.png
Middle panel Feb 6th.png
bottom panel.png
NE and China Conference image.png
NE Shanghai office.png
NE opened Beijing office image.png
NE China offices image with photo.png
Nebraska Ft Detrick Maggic top photo image linkedin.png
Nebraska Maggie Bartlett PhD student bats Ft Detrick image.png
Nebraska Barlett bottom resume linked in.png
Maggie references one.png
Nebraska headline image March 2020 defending China.png
Nebraska foreign agent image.png
Screenshot_2020-04-20 Congressman Explains Why Confucius Institutes Should be Registered as Foreign Agents.png
Pentagon unable to track its "biological select agents and toxins" (BSAT)

Pentagon unable to track its "biological select agents and toxins" (BSAT)

Fauci said CCP virus originated in China

Fauci said CCP virus originated in China