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Marine and NATO Commandant, James L. Jones, behind Trump take down too

Above are President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and James L. Jones, a retired Marine and NATO Commander

James L. Jones III’s companies used Pentagon software to generate anti-Trump messages through social media.

Their purpose was to help Hillary Clinton’s Campaign for President in 2016.

She lost.

Donald J. Trump won the Presidency anyway in spite of the cyber attacks launched by NATO and the Marines.

Nothing has been done to stop Jones from doing the same thing.

Trump is up for re-election next year.

Source is Patrick Bergy, former Assurance Security Officer for the Department of Defense, in charge of cyber-security.

Bergy used to work for retired Marines General Jones.

Bergy tells his story in the four videos at the end of this story.

What cyber tools?

These cyber tools:

James L. Jones (above)

On Air Force One with President Barack Obama (far left), James L. Jones, Hillary Clinton (far left), Robert Gates (second from left). The other person is unidentified.

Updated Jan. 18th, 2020

General James L. Jones, Jr., the Atlantic Council’s Executive Chairman Emeritus, argues “morals” in this story:

Whose morals?