Rosenstein, Judge Charles Day, McCabe, Inspector General filed false indictment in first Uranium One case

Rosenstein, Judge Charles Day, McCabe, Inspector General filed false indictment in first Uranium One case

Boris Rubizhevsky was charged with money laundering in the first of four Uranium One cases.

He would plead guilty to it in 2017 and was jailed last year for it.

But it nothing to do with Uranium One.

It was a false indictment filed by the Justice Department, FBI, and Department of Energy.

Boris first case with Condrey Lambert 2014.png
Uranium One co conspirators Bremen Ohio and Rubizhevsky Nexgen Security.png

Magistrate Judge Charles Day was in on the cover-up with:

  • U. S. Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein

  • John R. Hartman, Deputy Inspector General for Investigations, Office of Inspector General at the U.S. Department of Energy

  • Andrew G. McCabe, Assistant Director in Charge of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Washington Field Office.

A Justice Department press release dated Oct. 31st, 2014 tipped off the scam.

The double headline read:

“Russian National And Three Others Charged In Kickback Scheme To Obtain Contracts To Transport Russian Nuclear Fuel To The U.S.

“American Defendants Allegedly Paid Over $1.6 Million in Bribes to Russian National to Obtain Over $33 Million in Non-compete Contracts”.

Uranium One involved shipping $150 billion of uranium from 19,000 Russian nuclear bombs to the U.S.

The entire fiasco involved non-compete contracts.

The 20-year program began in 1993.

It was approved by Congress when Bill Clinton was President.

Source is former Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein who wrote about it here:

Who was enriched financially will be written about for years.

One who never benefited from it, however, was Boris Rubizhevsky.

Primary sources are federal court records.

Boris first DOJ press release.png

Boris was never charged in the Uranium One cases imaged above.

Rubizhevsky’s case was continued three times.

The last court order dated March 18th, 2015 was never signed by Judge Day.

One record in Pacer, the official court record, said it was.

It is imaged here:


Another court record said it never was.

It is imaged here:

Boris unsigned judge order to continue.png

Nothing has happened in Boris’ case since.

The Judge was supposed to act on Rod Rosenstein’s motion to continue Boris’ case.

Rosenstein never signed his filing either.

Boris Rosenstein unsigned motion to continue March 18th 2015.png

In fact, court records show case 8:2014mj02426 remains an open case.

It was never closed.

Rabizhevsky, however, was charged in five other federal crime cases.

Boris Pacer set of six cases.png

Boris was an American rather than a Russian citizen or “national”.

He was self-employed working for NexGen.

Rubizhevsky never worked or consulted for Tenex or Transport Logistics International (TLI).

These were the companies involved in a monopoly shipping uranium from Russia to the U.S.

Boris case second press release includes McCabe.png
Boris in jail without sentencing.png
Boris and Natasha say.jpg
Boris Rosenstein signature June 8th 2015.png
Boris signature 70k to 120k in laundered money.png
Boris 46 page criminal complaint 2017.png
Uranium One trial reset for Oct. 29th, Judge suppressed two of three million evidence exhibits

Uranium One trial reset for Oct. 29th, Judge suppressed two of three million evidence exhibits

Mariia Butina in Florida federal prison to be released Nov. 5th

Mariia Butina in Florida federal prison to be released Nov. 5th