FAA warns pilots 5G interferes with plane radar causing hazards for safe landings

FAA warns pilots 5G interferes with plane radar causing hazards for safe landings

Gaetano (Tom) Sciortino, above, Deputy Director, Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)


Who wrote the pilot warning last week for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)?

It was their Deputy Director, Tom Sciortino.

He is pictured at the top of this story.

So far, no one has been reported injured, nor has any aircraft been damaged as a result of a crash caused by 5G radar interference.

And the problem is limited to airports in major cities.

What was Tom’s FAA warning to pilots?

5G interference with plane radar systems (radio altimeters) “could lead to loss of continued safe flight and landing”.

The FAA’s opinion is imaged in two sections below under “(e) Unsafe Condition”.


How serious is the FAA pilot warning?

It is serious enough for Verizon and AT&T to delay its 5G service rollout by January 5th.

Here is the story in Fortune:


The FAA has also said it will be issuing another aircraft safety bulletin next month.


The 5G spectrum is near radio signals used by airport traffic control towers.

These devices measure how close an aircraft is to the ground.

When this equipment fails to work, aircraft must climb up and try another landing.

If the problem persists, aircraft are required to land somewhere else.


The report that triggered the above FAA warning dated Dec. 9th is imaged and linked below.

It is dated Oct. 7th last year and is 231 pages:


Story tip from a 2700 hour commercial pilot.

Updates from Reuters regarding 5G flight safety issues

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