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Surgeries banned for smokers, beefy Brits

Surgeries are banned for smokers and for obese or fat people, according to the National Health Service (NHS), the British version of Obamacare. The ban went into effect a week ago to reduce costs.

NHS provides healthcare for all citizens of the United Kingdom. Taxes pay for it. It is the largest and oldest single-payer healthcare system in the world. It is funded by taxes. Care is provided based on need rather than one's ability to pay.

The new rules say that obese patients “will not get non-urgent surgery until they reduce their weight”.

For smokers to be eligible for surgeries, they must have stopped smoking for eight weeks.

In Great Britain, 15 per cent of their population smokes while 22 per cent of their adults are obese. These statistics were provided by the Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) in Hertfordshire, England. This organization writes the rules for the NHS plan.

This has resulted in people flying to other countries for surgery, an increase in parking rates, and income to verify payment prior to receiving care.