The main purpose of Palo Alto University is "social justice, cultural competency, and diversity"

The main purpose of Palo Alto University is "social justice, cultural competency, and diversity"

Supreme Court Judge Brett Kavanaugh (left) and Christine Blasey Ford

The source is the school’s web site.

“High quality scientific research and scholarship” is ranked third” under “Core Values”, according to Palo Alto University (PAU).

The mission statement of PAU in California is imaged here:

Palo Alto University.png
Palo Alto U two.png

Christy Blasey Ford teaches in a joint program of Palo Alto University with Stanford University. She heads Stanford’s CIA Undergraduate Internship Program.

Top three per cent paid half of income taxes in 2016

Top three per cent paid half of income taxes in 2016

Democrats to regain House, Republicans will hold Senate says mid-term report dated yesterday

Democrats to regain House, Republicans will hold Senate says mid-term report dated yesterday