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"Three million new jobs since Election Day", said President Trump yesterday in Richfield, Ohio

"We are keeping our promises and the results are in. Three million new jobs since Election Day", said President Donald J. Trump yesterday in Richfield, Ohio.

"If I would have said three million new jobs during the campaign (for President), the fake news would have said he (Trump) is exaggerating."

"Unemployment levels are at their lowest point in 45 years", said President Trump. He also said:

African-American and Hispanic-American unemployment "have reached their lowest levels ever recorded".

"Remember? Remember what I said? What do you have to lose?

"Wages are rising at the fastest level in over a decade.

"Last year people were making less money than they were 20 years ago.

"They don't have one vote (the Democrats) on the tax cuts. Not one vote.

"We've had the greatest economy we have ever had".

President Donald J. Trump yesterday in Richfield, Ohio. The city is in the middle of Cleveland and Akron in northeast Ohio.

Please fast forward to 9:15 of the video to hear President Trump's remarks on the economy.