Trump was warned on May 10th that the FBI would raid his home

Trump was warned on May 10th that the FBI would raid his home

According to a four-page letter submitted yesterday by the Justice Department imagined here:

Document 48: pages six through nine of 18 pages

It is dated May 10th and signed by Debra Seidel Wall, Active Archivist.

Her letter was sent to President Donald J. Trump’s attorney, Evan Corcoran at his law office in Baltimore, Maryland.

The FBI raided Trump’s home on Aug. 8th looking for documents.

Details of the Miami warrant were blacked out from public view because of an ongoing criminal investigation against Trump in the Federal District Court of Columbia in Washington, D.C.

Details of the two Trump cases are in this story:

According to Congress, Trump “mismanaged gifts from foreign sources”, thereby compromising national security.

Oleg Deripaska

Ihor Kolomoisky

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