Where did Ohio State Head Coach Urban Meyer get his first name

Where did Ohio State Head Coach Urban Meyer get his first name

Urban, Bishop of Macedonia, was selected by Jesus Christ as one of the Seventy Apostles. Urban was appointed Bishop by Andrew, Jesus' first disciple.

The Seventy Apostles were selected by Jesus Christ and mentioned in the Bible in Luke chapter 16, verses one through 21. Jesus sent out the 70 in pairs on specific missions.

The Apostle Paul mentions Urban in the epistle to the Romans 16: 9 as "a helper in Christ".

Urban is honored with greatest respect as Saint by the Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches. Andrew and Urban were killed for their faith in Jesus Christ and their zeal in preaching the Gospel.

Urban Meyer is Head Coach of the football team at the Ohio State University.


Bishop Urban of Macedonia.jpg
Icon of the 70 Apostles.jpg

Icon of the 70 Apostles

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