Court's federal vaccine mandate case is a mirage

Court's federal vaccine mandate case is a mirage

Chief Justice John Roberts in Malta. He was meeting with the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta in 2012 after approving Obamacare (above).

The Supreme Court called it a “slip” or rough draft of the federal mandate case.

The link to the court’s discussion of federal vaccine mandates is 30-pages linked here:

The Biden Administration said the Supreme Court supports federal vaccine mandates.

In response, the Regime has intensified its enforcement of federal vaccine mandates.

Biden has expanded it to include the entire country.

Starting with the NBA All-Star in Cleveland, Ohio next week.

Because the federal government sent a billion dollars to the City of Cleveland, attendees must wear a mask.

Or show proof of a negative COVID-19 test result.

Or a verifiable vaccination card.

What did the Supreme Court do about OSHA’s federal vaccine mandates on Jan. 9th?

It is like they wrote it with invisible ink.

No Justice is on record for signing the case.

Because the Justices failed to make a decision or ruling.

Also, the Court found no:

  • history of past cases (precedents)

  • disputed Constitutional issues

Also, the case citation number was blank.

In effect, it was an "off the record" discussion by the Court.

The case was about an injunction.

To prevent what?

Instead, the Court begged Congress to approve a law allowing federal vaccine mandates.

Then it would be legal, they said.

Instead, the Senate voted down vaccine mandates on Dec. 8th.

Does the Supreme Court have the same agenda as Congress?

Charles Schumer (D-NY) and Chief Justice John Roberts lead the campaign to pack federal courts with more Judges and Justices.

Details of their plan are in this story:

Who paid the legal fees to challenge OHSA’s vaccine mandates?

A charity called the National Independent Business Federation (NIBF).

Set up by the Koch brothers, Charles and David, of Koch Industries.

Fortune Magazine estimates their net worth at $100 billion.

Feds bribe Cleveland with a billion dollars to enforce vaccine mandates at NBA All-Star game

Feds bribe Cleveland with a billion dollars to enforce vaccine mandates at NBA All-Star game

The vaccinated are responsible for injuries caused by COVID-19 shots

The vaccinated are responsible for injuries caused by COVID-19 shots