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China’s election fixer, Konnech’s Yu, escapes the U.S. leaving his spy network intact at MSU

The source is Michigan State University (MSU), E. Lansing, Michigan.

Lansing is the state capital of Michigan.

According to the FBI and China, the world’s top election fixer is the Chinese spy, Jianwei “Eugene” Yu.

He runs the China-based company, Konnech.

They specialize in selling voting machine systems that:

  • fix elections, and

  • send election results, and

  • store 25 million voter registration profiles in China

Konnech is owned by the Chinese National Army which owns the China Communist Party (CCP).

Konnech’s servers were vacated from their location Friday.

They store, send, and receive data from all over the world.

Their rent is paid by David Washburn, Ex. Dir. and owner of Red Cedar Ventures LLC using five million dollars of MSU’s Foundation money.

Red Cedar is a venture capital firm across the street from Michigan State University Foundation (MSUF).

The books are kept in the same building by Rebekah Skrzyniarz, the MSUF’s Treasurer.

Well, at least, up to Friday when Yu’s Konnech vacated its U.S. headquarters in E. Lansing, MI.

According to MSU, since Red Cedar and Konnech are private companies, their lease and revenue-sharing agreement are exempt from public information disclosure.

Konnech fixes elections on three continents:

  • Australia

  • Canada, and the

  • U.S.

The red dot marks Lansing, Michigan.

Yu fled the country on Friday leaving Los Angeles for his homeland, China, after postings a:

  • million-dollar bond in Michigan’s 55th District State Court in Mason for a misdemeanor, “fugitive from justice”

  • $500,000 bond in Los Angeles (LA) for “embezzling public funds” in the amount of $2,645,000

A copy of the eight-page LA County indictment is linked here:

The million-dollar bond in Michigan was posted by another suspected Chinese spy, Donna H. Wang, M.D.

She is a Professor at Michigan State University.

Where did she get $100,000 to post Yu’s bond in Mason, Michigan?

Yu’s bond hearing in Michigan was on Oct. 6th.

His attorney, Mark J. Kriger, said that without Wang’s cash, Yu’s house would have been the collateral for the bond.

The FBI helped Yu escape by refusing to charge him.

Yu and the FBI are partners with the Pentagon in fixing the Nov. 8th Election.

The Treasury Department refused to seize his home in Michigan.

The Los Angeles District Attorney, George Gascon, said that the data sent from LA to China was “the biggest data breach in the history of the U.S.”.

The excuse for releasing Yu Friday was a fraudulent FBI alibi affidavit.

According to Kriger, the FBI vouched for Konnech.

The affidavit said Konnech transferred none of LA’s Election Board election or personnel data to China.

Where did it go before China ended up with it?

Neither Gascon nor Ingham Co. Prosecutor, Carol A. Siemon will release the FBI affidavit.

Gascon is unable to find it.

Court documents are lost all the time.

Including its file on Eugene Yu.

The reference number for request of public information is:


The request asks for a copy of the FBI fraudulent alibi affidavit dated on or around Oct. 6th.

Carol Siemon said that according to state law in Michigan, the FBI affidavit isn’t a public record.

Siemon heads the Prosecutor’s Office in Ingham County, Michigan.

She also said it cannot be released because of an “ongoing criminal investigation”.

There is no ongoing investigation.

According to the Ingham County Clerk of Courts, the FBI affidavit is a part of the official court record.

It is missing.


Dear Harry,

Subject: CR­31259360 EUGENE YU

The Michigan State Police (MSP) has received your request for public records under the Michigan Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), MCL 15.231 et seq.

Please submit your written request for public records to the INGHAM COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE AND EAST LANSING POLICE DEPARTMENT.

Sincerely, Records Resource Section

Yu has no pending criminal cases in the U.S. and none in Los Angeles or Michigan.

And now he has no criminal record in the State of Michigan or with the Ingham County Sheriff’s Department.

What happened to the evidence seized in the search?

Destroyed or in China?

Although elected two years ago, Siemon admits to working for and being financed by Warren Buffett’s Council for a Strong America.

It advocates treating children as property of the federal government.

According to Siemon and Strong America, parents have no role in raising their children.

Why has LA retained Konnech, for the Nov. 8th Election?

Why is no one trying to:

  • find the cause of the LA data breach

  • fix it

  • prevent it from happening again?

This is a partial list of 29 China Programs at MSU:

The other 26 are listed on MSU’s website at this link:

The names and contact information of 29 other suspected Chinese spies are listed in their MSU profiles.

Tip from Jeffrey Prather’s Team America Michigan.