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Who guarantees vote counts be accurate?

Mona Harrington, State & Federal Election Czar

Paragraph six of this story is linked here:

None of the voting machine systems used since 2002 were certified to be 100 percent accurate.

Not even 50 percent.

Or ten percent.

Instead, they are “voluntary.”

Using standards determined by each voting machine system vendor.

According to Mona Harrington.

She is the Executive Director of the Federal Election Commission (FEC).

Congress put Harrington in charge of federal and state elections.

Instead, Harrington blames election snafus on “human error.”

She said that “election security efforts are largely successful.”

Aren’t machines designed to eliminate human mistakes?

Especially after using them for over 20 years?

Then why have voting machine systems?

Because they are inaccurate.

Tip from EDWARD GRAHAM of NextGov.

What can the average citizen do about it?

File an insurance claim against their County Board of Elections and State Attorney General for election fraud.

Here is how to file one: