Supreme Court to hear Arizona election steal case March 2nd

March 2nd. U.S. Supreme Court will hear the Arizona election steal case. The suit alleges that both political parties conspired to steal electoral votes away from President Trump to Biden. Case numbers are 19-1257 and 19-1258. Mark Brnovich, Arizona Atty. Gen., sued on behalf of his state. Source is the Supreme Court Court Calendar.

Impeachment trial next month means Trump is still President

One has to President in order to be tried for impeachment. Impossible to do otherwise. The Senate said yesterday that it is trying to schedule an impeachment trial in February. Congress just admitted Trump is still President. By the way, who controls the military? By the way, Trump still has control of the “doomsday plane”. It allows the President to control all American military assets worldwide. Pretty hard to be in charge of the military if one is no longer President.

It's not over! Trump to regain Presidency by Monday

U.S. Marshals will be making the arrests. They include 4300 deputized National Guardsman and local police officers. If Biden is President, how did he lose control of Washington, D.C.? Defendants will be tried in Military Courts. The civilian federal courts are rigged. Just like federal election results.

GA's vote czar's brother fixes elections from and for China

Source is Huawei, owned by the Chinese military and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). They also own the patents for Dominion Voting Systems. Ron’s brother, Brad Raffensberger, is Governor of Georgia. Who is else does business with Huawei? Hunter Biden. And the Biden Global Initiative. With the help of the Clinton Foundation.