2800 Clinton emails found on Weiner's laptop to be released today by State Dept.

2800 Clinton emails found on Weiner's laptop to be released today by State Dept.

The U.S. State Department told Judicial Watch that portions of 2800 Hillary Clinton's State Department emails found on Anthony Weiner's laptop will be released today. Judicial Watch is an organization dedicated to revealing federal government corruption through freedom of information law suits.

These emails were first discovered by the FBI by accident on Nov. 16, 2016 during a criminal investigation of Weiner. He was sentenced in September to 21 months in federal prison after pleading guilty in May to transferring obscene material to a minor. Weiner was a former Congressman from New York.

At the time of Weiner's arrest, he was married to Huma Abedin. She was Clinton's top assistant, advisor, and confidant when Clinton was running for President and serving as Secretary of State.

These emails were the work product of Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. She was investigated by the FBI for illegally using personal emails to conduct State Department business. All of Clinton's emails were available to Huma Abedin. Why official State Department business was on Weiner's laptop is unknown.


Updated Jan. 10th, 2020

The FBI found 350,000 items on Weiner’s computer.

Emails were 141,000 of them.

Dating back to 2007.

No one applied for a warrant to open and read them.

It is still being covered up by FBI Attorney One.

Michael Horowitz, who wrote the Inspector General report dated Dec. 9th, 2019, refused to disclose the name.

Means that person is still working for the FBI.

And the investigation should be ongoing.

Should be.

Still being covered up?



IG Horowitz four FISA apps 400 + report Dec 9th 2019.png
Weiner IG report Dec 9th 2019 141k emails image page 285.png
Weiner 350k items on computer with emails page 287 image IG Dec 9th 2019.png
Weiner 350k items on Hillarys too page 288 top image.png
Link to Hillary Clinton's emails found on Weiner's laptop

Link to Hillary Clinton's emails found on Weiner's laptop

Judge Rudy Contreras was removed rather than recused from Mike Flynn case

Judge Rudy Contreras was removed rather than recused from Mike Flynn case