59 million deaths caused by abortion over last 44 years

59 million deaths caused by abortion over last 44 years

There have been 59 million abortions in the U.S. since 1973 or 44 years, according to the Guttmacher Institute. They are a pro-abortion organization founded by Planned Parenthood.

"Underreporting of abortions is widespread", according to Studies in Family Planning. "We find that fewer than one half of abortions in the U.S., 47 per cent, were reported." 

The Center for Disease Control (CDC), an agency of the federal government, also admits that abortions are "undercounted" because "there is no national requirement for data submission or reporting" of abortions.

The pro-abortion Guttmacher institute is considered the more accurate researcher, according to the CDC, because they poll abortion businesses directly.

The CDC publishes official numbers from state health departments, but some states refuse to report numbers, like California, Maryland, and New Hampshire.

Although most reporting areas collect and send abortion data to the CDC, this information is submitted voluntarily. There is no enforcement requirement.




Planned Parenthood NY headquarters 2012.jpg

Planned Parenthood headquarters in New York City

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