Feds to appeal three-month sentence for Madame who sold children from Poland through fraudulent adoptions

Feds to appeal three-month sentence for Madame who sold children from Poland through fraudulent adoptions


Who got to Federal District Judge James S. Gwin yesterday?

On Feb. 4th, Margaret Cole Hughes signed a plea deal.


She admitted to operating a fraudulent international adoption agency selling children from Poland to people in the U.S.

The Judge told Margaret to anticipate the maximum sentence:

  • ten years in jail

  • a fine of up to $500,000

Here are more details:


Instead, the Judge sentenced Margaret to:

  • three months in jail

  • one year home detention

  • three years probation

  • fine of $7500

  • prison booking fees of $200

The Judge failed to give notice to the Prosecution that he was going to reduce the Madame’s jail sentence and fine.

But who noticed?

Who would find out?

Details are in the 84-page court transcript delivered at 8 p.m. last night.

The link is at the bottom of this post under “Attachments”:


The transcript cost $514.25.

Joining as parties in the appeal to reverse Margaret’s criminal judgment are:

  • Karin King, Dep. Asst. Sec’y for Overseas Citizens Services

  • the Polish Ambassador representing the government of Poland

Mrs. King’s objection is summarized in this two-page letter dated May 10th.


Also objecting to the Margaret Cole Hughes’ sentencing is Poland.

Her defense attorney told Judge Gwin that Poland will arrest her on sight.

For fraudulently selling adopted from their country to people in the U.S.

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