Black Lives Matter (BLM) to command Cleveland's cops

Black Lives Matter (BLM) to command Cleveland's cops

Issue 24 passed.

A day after voters approve Issue 24.

Which allows Black Lives Matter (BLM) to take control of Cleveland’s Police Department.

To include final say on all:

  • promotions

  • training

  • policies

Their hand-picked group of 13 non-law enforcement persons, will have the final say on police policy matters.

According to BLM’s Cleveland Chapter President, Tonya Goldsby.

And Cleveland’s Police Chief.

Now, any police officer can be dismissed based on a single allegation.

Or false complaint.

Without a court hearing.

Without due process.

Without protecting the rights of the accused.

BLM President Goldsby said she has been working two years to get Issue 24 on the ballot.

More details are in this story:

“Are domestic terrorists behind Cleveland's vote on Nov. 2nd to take over their police?”:

At one time, with 1.3 million people, Cleveland was the fifth-largest city in the U.S.

Now with less than 300,000, the city is no longer ranked.

Property and fire insurance policies name Civil War or riots as “civil commotion”.

It is a named exclusion.

Meaning claims from riots are excluded from coverage.

As if people living in Cleveland need another reason to move out of the city.

President Barack Obama defunded Cleveland’s police on June 11, 2011.

The program was called Strong Cities.

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