CDC recruitment campaign starts Friday for EIS health police to enforce lockdown

CDC recruitment campaign starts Friday for EIS health police to enforce lockdown

CDC Epidemic Intelligence Service.png
EIS recruiting poster two.png

Official CDC health police recruiting poster

EIS Intelligence Service.png

Please fast forward to one minute, ten seconds in the video link here:

Accountable to the:

  • State?

  • World?

  • United Nations (UN)?

Protecting public health and ”global security.”

According to Robert R. Redfield, MD, Director of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Public health.

The new Global Human Right.

It is more important than the:

  • Bill of Rights

  • Constitution

More important than one’s:

  • country

  • family

So important that a violation can suspend one’s freedom without a court hearing.

The CDC’s EIS recruitment campaign starts Friday.

To avoid April Fools.

All it will take to be sent to a Quarantine Camp will be suspicion.

Suspicion of what?

That will be determined at the time of the arrest.

By the accuser.

Accusing anyone.

The accusers start with the EIS.

Supplemented by the civilian Health Police Officer.

Expanded to include neighbor against neighbor.

Children against their parents.

A Democrat Party Official against any political opponent.

A non-citizen turning in a citizen.

In Houston, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) paid the city to collect blood samples going door-to-door.

Part of $5.6 billion approved by Congress.

For propaganda.

To trick the public into taking vaccines.

Forget to wear a mask?

Off to a CDC Quarantine Station.

One of 20.

A map of their “stations” is imaged here:

CDC Quaratine map.png
CDC top 20 Quarantine station cities.png
NIH Library logo.png
Policing in Pandemics Dec 2020 headline.png
Quarantine stations CA TX.png
Quarantine contact phones .png
Houston public health searches.png
Houston collecting blood Nov 2020.png
MN covid surveys stopped Oct 2020.png
CASPER MN stopped Newsweek.png
GA headline April 2nd 2020 survey.png
Atlanta blood tests Emory.png
Ch11 Atlanta.png
CASPER brochure face banner plate.png
Warning opinion of authors rather than CDC policies.png
CASPER map CDC source.png
CDC Tracking form.png
Consent script and questionaire.png

Tip from using the CDC automatic email alert system.

Updated March 31st at 7:44 a.m.

TN tests for 140k in TN.png
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