Gates has ringer on FDA board approving COVID-19 vaccines

Gates has ringer on FDA board approving COVID-19 vaccines

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Her name is Holly Janes, Ph. D.

Her term on the FDA’s Vaccine Advisory Committee ends on Jan. 31st, 2023.

She worked for the Gates Foundation from 2006 to 2012 (see page seven of her resume above.)

As a “Faculty Statistician” at the University of Washington.

What is that?

She helped develop the program that tracks vaccine data at John Hopkins University.

For the world.

Statistics like COVID-19 deaths and the number and kinds of adverse side effects.

Like stillbirths.

Now you know why COVID-19 deaths are inflated.

And vaccine side effects are deflated.

Follow the cash flow.

Holly Janes’ employer, Fred Hutch, still receives money from the Gates Foundation filtered through grants from the:

  • NIMH (National Institute of Mental Health)

  • NIH (National Institute of Health )

  • CDC (Centers for Disease Control)

  • USAID (the U.S. Agency for International Development, a subsidiary of the CIA)

Miss Holly is on the FDA’s (Food & Drug Administration) Vaccines Products Advisory Committee.

Does she have a vote?


Does she have influence?


To serve, Miss Holly must have “minimal conflicts of interest.”

According to the FDA.

Even though her employer and colleagues keep getting money from the Gates Foundation.

Fred Hutch is also known as the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, Washington.

Here are four of Holly Janes’ colleagues who help with her research and data tracking:

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Miss Holly works with Dr. Peter Gilbert to help design the trials for the COVID-19 emergency use vaccines.

Preparing the numbers for FDA approval of COVID-19 vaccines for emergency use.

Pregnant women were deliberately omitted from the COVID-19 clinical trials.

That is because 14 percent of all pregnant women have stillbirths as a result of vaccines.

Was this Holly Janes’ trial design or was she ordered to do it?

By who?

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According to the Gates Foundation website, Janes’ employer received a two million dollar grant in August of 1996.

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The Gates Foundation supports China wholeheartedly.

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The Gates Foundation also has five offices in Africa.

Their stated purpose is birth control.

Others see it as “depopulation”.

They are in:

Of all places, the CIA’s USAID paid for a bio lab in Uganda.

It opened in November.

Under the guise of a cancer research center.

Children are bought and sold like video games by bribing Ugandan judges and child services workers.

Bags of cash are exchanged in the open.

According to CNN.

Details are In this federal case in Cleveland, Ohio:

The CIA’s lab already has over 150,000 human biospecimens.

Organ harvesting anyone?

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According to the Justice Department, Seattle is one of America’s biggest hubs for international child slavery.

Seattle is also home to the:

Guess who they have for their corporate attorneys?

Perkins Coie.

The same law firm that represents:

UN's Bachelet readies to punish the unvaccinated with prison

UN's Bachelet readies to punish the unvaccinated with prison

Big Lies: the press releases on vaccine boosters

Big Lies: the press releases on vaccine boosters