Trump supports UN's global vaccine plan started by Bill Gates

Trump supports UN's global vaccine plan started by Bill Gates

President Donald J. Trump promised $1.6 billion to GAVI on June 4th.

On behalf of American taxpayers.

GAVI logo.png

The Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations.

GAVI is a part of the World Health Organization (WHO).

The World Health Organization is a part of the United Nations.

GAVI banner headline.png

GAVI was started by Bill Gates in 1999.

GAVI Gates 1999.jpg
Trump Gates headline vaccine GAVI.png
Trump twitter June 4th 2020 GAVI.png
GAVI WHO PR July 15th 2020.png
GAVI world map.png

When did President Trump officially admit that vaccines are the “most effective defense against influenza”?

Under Section One (b).

Ex Ord Sept 19th 2019 vaccine vs flu effective.png
Trump Ex Order Sept 19th 2019 on flue vaccines.png

Unlike other Presidential Executive Orders, the one above was never numbered on the White House press release.

Instead, the Executive Order’s number showed up here:

Executive Order 13887.

CNN Trump take virus.png

Is that a “Yes”?

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