Man behind the pandemic is a Rockefeller heir

Man behind the pandemic is a Rockefeller heir

George O’Neill.

He announced his engagement to Abigail Rockefeller on Feb. 5th, 1949.

O'Neill married Abby Rockefeller image .png
Bass statement on Castro Nov. 28th 2016.png
House Bill 7120 headline story June 26th 2020.png

The bill, if passed, replaces local police and their unions, with UN controlled NATO troops.

Quarantine centers.

Imprisonment for people marked mentally ill by Michelle Bachelet, UN Chief, who heads their Human Rights Commission.

Who will run local police review boards.

Hillary Clinton is Bachelet's best friend.

O’Neill vouched for Mariia Butina, a convicted Russian spy.

And financed her and Russia's U.S. operations since 2011.

Plenty of evidence primarily provided by the Justice Department.

Destroyed by Bill Barr, the Attorney General?

Ask him for the evidence log in Butina’s case.

And what happened to the evidence.

Mariia Butina worked directly for the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin, in an uranium company called Tenex.

And Butina was an FBI informant starting in 2011.

The Rockefeller Foundation wrote the pandemic plan on April 22nd, 2010.

It was released on May, 2010.

It is 54-pages.

Rocky+face+page+image 2010 top.png
Rocky 2010 date bottom page one image.png

The Rockefeller Foundation provides the money to make the plan work.

It was updated April 21st:

Rockefeller+covid+plan+Apri+20th+2020 two.png

And again:

And again:

And again:

And again:

And again:

And again:

The Rockefeller Foundation have been working on how to create a global health crisis since 1951.

Nowadays it is called a pandemic.

O'Neill's plan to lockdown the U.S. will be completed with the election of Joe Biden as President.

With Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, and Sylvia Mathews Burwell to take over the Presidency in the event something happens to Biden.

Rice and Burwell were classmates and played on the same basketball team at Oxford University.

Both worked for President's Bill Clinton and Barack Obama.

Both work now for American University in Washington, D.C.

Burwell spent ten years as Director of the Gates Foundation.

Rice served in several other positions including Ambassador to the UN.

Who did Gen. Mike Flynn replace as National Security Advisor?

Susan Rice.

For more detail on House Bill 7120, please listen to this video:

Harry the Greek image brown icon .png
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