Trump's Vaccine Czar backs Biden, China, Qatar

Trump's Vaccine Czar backs Biden, China, Qatar

Lockdown until 2021.png

Note: Moderna removed Moncef Slaoui’s name from its website May 19th, a day after this story appeared.

President Donald J. Trump’s Vaccine Czar is Iranian rather than American.

Moncef Slaoui (SLAW WEE).

Iran is a terrorist nation according to the President.

And the Treasury Department.

According to CNBC, Slaoui’s favorite politician is Joe Biden.

Biden is running for President against Trump.

Biden was V.P. under President Barack Obama.

Slaoui’s interview with CNBC is here:

Slaoui works for the Ruling Royal Family of Qatar.


Qatar is a terrorist country controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood.

According to:

  • Saudi Arabia

  • UAE

  • Bahrain

  • Egypt

However, the Trump Administration views Qatar a friend rather than a foe.

Slaoui worked 30 years for the world’s largest pharmaceutical company.


He retired to make more money.

And avoid the financial disclosure requirements of being a key executive in a public company.

Great for laundering money claiming false deductions for research and development.


Eric Schmidt showed Slaoui how to do it.

Schmidt works for Alphabet.

A subsidiary of Google.

And launders money through high risk start up companies to finance the Democrat Party.

Like Joe Biden for President.

Schmidt and Slaoui are partners in a company called Galvani Bioelectronics.

Schmidt election commission.png

Slaoui joined Medicxi on Sept. 2017 as an investor looking for companies to invest in.

Other entities he works for are:

The purpose of the Human Vaccines Project is to vaccinate the world using Europe as its hub.

Slaoui Medicxi.png
Medixi arabic.png

Sutrovax also hired Slaoui.

Here is their press release:

Slaoui retires SutroVax startup July 19th 2017.png
Sutrovax June 7th 2018.png

For a more complete list of Slaoui’s ownership in vaccine companies, please use an internet search engine and type in: moncef slaoui

Non-public companies have no obligation to release financial information.

The information is private.

Slaoui SEC internet search.png

Slaoui still works for GlaxoSmithKline.

According to GSK, Slaoui is entitled to future compensation based on his previous employment.

Based on what?

How many vaccines are sold?

Like the Fauci China virus vaccine?

Only stockholders can access that information.

By requesting it.

GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) is the largest pharmaceutical company in the world.

They only make vaccines.

Because their profit margin is 17 per cent.

Up from eight per cent.

Because Slaoui told GSK to sell off their non-vaccine parts of its business.


Moncef Slaoui.

He calls vaccines “a growth business”.

Slaoui 17 percent instead of eight.png

Yesterday, Slaoui said he made $3.4 million selling off shares of one of his vaccine stocks.

Screenshot_2020-05-19 Trump vaccine czar forgoes $3M windfall as ex-firm’s stock soar.png

He never sold his stock in the rest of his vaccine portfolio including Galvani Bio and GSK.

What other shares of vaccine companies does Slaoui own?

Where are his Financial Disclosures to Congress?

Has Congress asked for them?

Or are they too busy with insider trading of global biopharma stocks?

And what about China?


According to Slaoui, 80 per cent of the world’s vaccines and pharmaceutical products are made in China.

And GlaxoSmithKline (GSK)?

They admit making their products in China for 100 years.


It is right on their web site:

GSK banner BEST in English.png
GSK bottom English long version.png

Click “EN” to the top right to the left of the search box

The same web site when clicking “ZH” (Chinese) instead of “EN” (English):

GSK banner web site in Chinese.png
Slaoui photo Qatar.png

Global Vaccine Czar Iranian Moncef Slaoui (slaw wee)

The United Nations’ World Health Organization said everyone should be vaccinated 30 different times in the next five years to stop global pandemic threats.

One plan is dated Feb. 25th, 2017.

WHO Aug 2016 36 page blueprint.png

Moncef Slaoui’s name is on the three-page list of people who helped write the plan.

Page 33 banner participants.png

Page 33

WHO April 2016 Bavari Sina and Slaoui on same committee page 35 of 36.png
WHO with Gates Foundation and Benassi page 34.png
WHO HHS Rick Bright page 35.png
Chinese pharma companies dozen image.png

According to GlaxoSmithKline, 80 per cent of the world’s pharmaceuticals used in the U.S. are made in China.

Slaoui said he invented the HIV aids vaccine.

The source is CNBC.

Please fast forward this video to 49 seconds:

The top 15 research and development spenders in the global biopharma business:

Top r d pharma spenders.png
GSK Navartis swap.png

Slaoui was on the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) Advisory Committee until 2016.

SEC Slaw wee NIH bd since 2016.png
Cartoon Trump economy drowning.png

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