Senate to vote on House bills that replace Constitution with UN Bill of Human Rights

Senate to vote on House bills that replace Constitution with UN Bill of Human Rights

Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), far left. Standing next to her is Marcia Fudge (D-OH). With President Donald J. Trump. Source is CNN.

Three pending House bills, if passed, mean the Constitution will be replaced.

By the United Nations’ (UN) Bill of Human Rights.

H R 6395 - 116th Congress (2019-2020) William M (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Authorization Act f[...].png
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For a detailed story about what is in HR 6666.

Please click this link:

Each of these bills can be found on the official website of Congress.

Enter “” into any internet search.

Then add the number of each bill in separate internet searches.

First, the Master Plan to replace the Constitution with the United Nations (UN) Bill of Human Rights.

It is called H.R. 7120.

The plan combines 13 bills into one.

In fact, 7120 allows UN Chief Michelle Bachelet to name Hillary Clinton President.

Hillary to be appointed President by UN -brassballs blog.png
Related Bills - H R 7120 - 116th Congress (2019-2020) George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2020.png
House passes bill to pay for NATO mercenaries in 46 U S cities -brassballs blog.png

The second bill pays for 7120.

It is called H.R.6395.

H.R. 6395 combines 32 money bills.

It is 3470-pages.

How much will bill’s 7120 and 6395 cost?

There is no limit.

According to the Congressional Budget Office, both are pay-as-you-go bills.

Blank checks.

Pay go Page One banner.png

Page One of eight pages report dated July 20th by the Congressional Budget Office (above).

Pay as you go 6395.png

Page Five of eight page report dated July 20th by the Congressional Budget Office (above)

Related Bills - H R 6395 - 116th Congress (2019-2020) William M (Mac) Thornberry National Defense Aut[...].png

What can the money be spent for?

Anything Congress wants.

As long as they say it is for “National Security”.

How Congress hides what it spends -brassballs blog.png

The third bill is the lockdown bill.

People refusing to take the China virus vaccine will be imprisoned.

It will be called a quarantine camp.

The UN’s Bill of Human Rights was written in 1948.

It is 470-pages.

Linked here:

Headed by Michelle Bachelet, the UN’s High Commissioner of Human Rights.

Who runs the United Nations.

Who can amend the 470-page document at any time.

With a press release.

Bachelet’s “Special Procedures” for global jurisdiction was updated last month.

The plan to tear up the Constitution, replacing it with the UN’s Bill of Human Rights, is orchestrated by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA).

The Speaker is third in line to the Presidency.

Pelosi claims to have the same power as the President.

Even more.

Because the Speaker controls how the federal government spends its money.


UN Chief Michelle Bachelet (above)

High Commissioner Bachelet said prison is best for people who fail to get vaccinated for the China virus.

She said they are a public health risk.

And their police force, NATO, will replace local police in 46 cities.

With Bill Barr, Attorney General, as the head of law enforcement, federalizing local and state police departments.

The money bill, HR 6385, could be on the President’s desk as soon as Monday.

To be followed up by the action bill, HB 7120.

Followed by the knock out punch.

HB 6666.

The bill to lockup people who refuse to be vaccinated for the China virus.

Other sources

FASAB Oct 4th 2018.png

Tips from the Neighborhood News Hour, Ben Wah, and Caroline.

Many thanks!

Ben Wah on Twitter BrassBallsBlog Back during the Kavanaugh hearings they passed laws allowing them t[...].jpg
Pentagon's Bottomless Money Pit.png
Obama Dec 11th 2011 Human Rights.png
Pelosi Floor Speech in Support of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Enhancement Act.png
Obamacare passed June 25th 2020.png

House passed bill June 25th to renew Obamacare. Passed in one day.

Obamacare ahead of Trump push to dismantle the law.png
Gun confiscation 2013.jpg

Updated Nov. 17th, 2020

Major find.png
Major find passed Senate HR 6395.png

Passed yesterday.

Including earmarks for additional projects and spending.

HR 6395 resolving differences Nov 18th 2020.png

First of three bills replacing the Constitution with the UN Bill of Human Rights.

HR 6395.

It pays for HR 7120 and HR 6666.

HR 6395 passed the Senate.

By voice vote.

So that no one who voted for it can be identified by passing it.

This means that every Senator voted for it!

Needs to pass the House.

Will pass when Joe Biden is elected President.

Unknown what President Donald J. Trump will do.

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Updated Dec. 23rd at 10:06 p.m.

President Donald J. Trump vetoed HB 6395 earlier today.

Congress will vote next week to override the President’s veto.

They have the votes.

Trump veto HB 6395 Dec 23rd 2020.png

Updated Dec. 25th at 8:22 a.m.

Senate readied to pass Obamacare Two to help enforce mandatory vaccinations

Senate readied to pass Obamacare Two to help enforce mandatory vaccinations

How Congress hides what it spends

How Congress hides what it spends